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Hey there reader! Couple of words before you start reading- this is a yuri story. Yuri is girlxgirl! If you do not like yuri- leave. I don't want rude comments about how they aren't canon or how they'll never be together, or whatever! I know this already, I've read the manga and seen the show! I'm making a fanfiction, NOT rewriting the show! Thank you and please enjoy,

Comments and votes are appreciated!

//Not edited//
//Ino Yamanaka pov//

"You looking fine sweet thing, how much for a night?"

Ugh, disgusting.

I pushed my way past the group of grown men, about twice my age, and ignored their rather rude comments. I was accustomed to men flaunting at me and whistling sweet nothings- but this city had an exaggerated amount of flirtatious older men. I couldn't believe I was forced to move out of my home and into the city- me turning 21 had nothing to do with me being grown! I still hadn't the slightest clue of how to feed myself! Believe it or not, I had trouble heating up an instant ramen cup.

The group of older men had the audacity to actually follow me all the way to my apartment building, even as I ignored their pointless whistles and taunts, they insisted on making my move a living hell. "I already said no you jerks, mind leaving me alone now?" I spat out, my words carrying venomous threat. I had trouble walking and talking since I was also carrying two boxes that contained the few things I owned. The men laughed happily with each other, "we finally hear that lovely voice of yours sweetheart- mind using it to scream out our names in pleasure?" One of the younger men stated in a voice he thought was sexy but only made him sound constipated.

I gagged in disgust, this couldn't get any worst could it? Just as I finished my thought, rain came pouring down- almost as if God himself made it his personal job to piss me off. The men saw as the rain poured on them and finally took their leave, not another word spoken from them as they left me alone finally. This is why I hate men. They compliment you, make you feel special, even ask for a night with you- but if rain comes down, they have the audacity to leave you walking alone and wet. Some men they are, huh?

Then again, I'm desperate enough for anyone.

I finally saw my building come to view- it was a decent size, not too small, or as small as I thought. I rushed towards the door and placed my boxes on the ground near the door. Shoving my hand in my pocket- I took out my silver key and opened the door. It opened loudly- and all the people who stood in the lobby turned to face me. Oh brother- people. Their eyes were glued on my soaking figure, it was a complete embarrassment.

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