Table for Two, Please

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[Not edited]
[Ino's Point of View]

I can't die today - I still haven't even gotten married!

I felt myself cling on to the pinkette with a force I never thought was in me, I was holding on so tight that my arms were getting sore. I felt my grasp on Sakura slowly soften, immediately causing my brain to panic. Holy shit! If I can't hold on I'll die, this bitch won't stop driving for me! She'll watch me fall off and laugh as she drives away to her cheap buffet! I need a miracle, my arms aren't made for this shit!

As if sensing my panic, the pinkette let go of one handle and held a strong grip on my hands, her focus still fully on the road before her. My head snapped up in fear, holy hell! How's she doing this, is this even legal! She's fricken driving with one hand! Pretty soon she'll turn around and yell 'look ma, no hands!' I allowed my panic to cease, finally feeling the calm air brush through my long bleach-blond hair. All intensity of the ride was soon to dissipate, all I felt was... relaxed.

Before I knew it, we came to a stop. I opened my eyes and took in the view of a tacky buffet restaurant, a large neon sign read Big Boys' Buffet, only adding to the tackiness. I almost gagged at the smell of cigarettes and sometimes akin to death. Sakura snorted at my typical reaction of the place and casually began to park her motorbike, soon coming off it. I quickly followed suit and jumped off the bike in fear of it somehow turning back on and driving off with me- kidnapping me!

I held on to the back of her white tank top, causing her to turn around and give me a look of incredulity, "Look princess, we're walking in a buffet not a drug dealing center, now why don't you be a big boy like the sign tells you to be, and let go of my favorite tank top, now" her voice left no room for argument, almost bluntly cold. I quickly let go and nervously laughed, "ha- yeah, you're right! Silly me...haha."

We entered and she paid the appropriate 10$ needed for us to enter. Once inside the tacky food factory, I noticed the small amount of actual people inside. So far I'd only seen three other humans inside - the guy who we paid, another guy who seems to be with his friend, and that's about it. It kinda gives me the chills!

"Grab a plate and dig in, I'm starving for some cheap mac-and-cheese, ya know?" Sakura smiled as she swiftly picked up a plate and began searching the area for her beloved cheeses covered mac. I snorted in amusement as she struggled to reach for another plate once one was already full of macaroni. I gotta applaud her for her bravery, I'd never eat anything more than salad and chicken outside of my home, gotta keep the figure, right?

Once satisfied with my salad, I took a seat with Sakura, who seemed to already be enjoying her meal.

"Man, it had been a while since I'd come here to eat, usually it's me and Naruto - but I guess he's busy with boy toy number one." She looked up from her pasta, or... macaroni, and gave me a serious look. I felt my stomach churn at the tone she had, "what do you mean "boy toy" number one? Are they... together?" I tried my best to hide the disappointment in my tone, but it still leaked of bitterness.

"No- but I'll be damned if they don't stop playing games around each other and just fuck already. Sasuke likes to be protective but never says why, meanwhile Naruto likes to keep up his oblivious idiot act, it's only a matter of time before they crack." Her eyes glazed over at the memory of her stubborn friends. I knew she was being serious, but I still can't give up on him - he's fucking perfect!

"Look... I'm just warning you alright? I mean, they make-out and pretend it's normal! They're so pathetic sometimes." Green eyes looked at me with sympathy and even pity. I felt myself slowly accepting their non-existent relationship, already losing my confidence to fight for him. He knew Sasuke for years, I'm practically begging for heartache if I try a relationship with him, he'd end up leaving me! A sigh of defeat left me as I continued eating my cheap salad.

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