Slumber Party

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[Not Edited]

I was a liar.

In a moment of immense pressure, I decided I'd rather ditch my ride than deal with our awkward situation, and now I'm forced to scroll through an embarrassingly short contact list. I knew I had at least one friend who could come. Karin was a definite no, hell no to Choji, and I'd rather kill myself than ride with Shino. The funny thing was, I had a car, I was just stupid enough to leave it at Naruto's place.

I'm such an airhead.

That only leaves one person to call, she's a little bit unnerving, but sweet. Hinata Hyuga, also known as the Queen of my highschool prom, became a close friend of mine once I found out she was a boss at making braids and cute hairstyles. We were like sisters during highschool, I'd always have her back. Sad thing is that we totally lost contact after highschool; she had decided to move in with her cousin who hated me, Neji. Afterwards we just stopped meeting each other, I can't believe I still have her cell number.

Let's hope she hasn't changed it.

I pressed the dial button and impatiently waited for her to pick up. Relief filled me when I heard it start to ring, at least I know the number isn't disconnected. After around the third ring, I heard someone pick up, "he - hello?"

It's her!

"Hinata! Is that really you? It's me, Ino Yamanaka! Remember me?" I could hear a bit of desperation in my tone and winced. I probably sounded crazy, but it had been too long since I'd heard Hinata's timid voice; it brought excitement in me.

"I - Ino? Is it really y - you? I - I can't believe it! I - Is something th - the matter? Wh - why are you ca - calling?" concern soon covered her voice of excitement making me chuckle lightly. She had always been so kind and protective of her friends, I missed her genuine concern. Although sometimes I worried, she was too kind for her own good, therefore people took her as a pushover. This had lead to years of being bullied at school.

I still remember the little brunette girl who had asked me if I wanted her money to buy lunch. I was stupid enough to have forgotten my purse in my dad's limousine; I had no money for lunch. Hinata saw me throwing a fit in front of the cafeteria workers, demanding to get lunch. She timidly approached me and offered her fifteen dollars, which I so graciously took without being asked twice. Back then, her hair was still short, making her look like a shy little mouse.

Afterwards she insisted I don't pay her back, but I was stubborn, always forcing my money on her to repay her kindness. I'd buy her lunches, bring her designer clothes I thought would look cute on her, it felt like a real friendship. Our entire friendship was based on us trying to repay each other over and over again.

"Don't worry Hinata, I just need a ride. I left my car at a friends place, he lives kind of far away. Can you pick me up?" I was silently praying the answer would be positive. If she couldn't pick me up, I'd be forced to embarrass myself and ask Sakura for a ride; she'd think I was some blond idiot who couldn't make up my mind. Which in a way, I am.

A sigh of relief came out once Hinata immediately agreed to be here in fifteen minutes. She's such a sweetheart, I owe her big-time. I texted her the address, with a smiley face of course.

Fifteen minutes came rather quickly, and I soon saw a gray Honda Prius parked in front of me. Inside was Hinata waving almost maniacally towards me. She wore her long violet hair in a low ponytail held by a bow, her white button up shirt also had an adorning purple bow, and with it all was a dark purple skirt reaching an inch below her knees. White heels covered her pearl white feet.

I guess a Queen stays a Queen her entire life, huh?

I hurried into the car and immediately noticed the classical music playing. Clashes of violin orchestrated music mixed with piano and viola tunes, I had never felt so out of place. Hinata giggled lightly at my confusion and lowered the volume slightly, "m - my apologies Ino. I was listening to my c - cousins orchestra audio recording from when he preformed for the white house a couple years ago. R - remember how h - he took lessons in high school?"

I nervously laughed as I closed the door and locked in my seat belt. That destiny obsessed Hitler minion became a professional violin player? You gotta be joking me! Here I was, all excited about my new waitress job at some diner; I can't even begin to think about what Hinata does for a living. "Speaking of incredible career paths, what have you been doing to financially support yourself Hinata?"

The car began to drive off, stopping at a red light with practiced ease, "R - recently I've come back from S - south Africa from a peace corps p - project. It was obviously v - volunteer work so I didn't earn a - any real cash; but I have a s - secured job here too. I work as an e - event planner, or w - wedding planner," she reaches out her hand in her skirt pocket to take out a card, and hands it to me gently, "th - the website I own is on there, as well as my b - business cell n - number."

I study the business card with astonishment, gently stocking it to make sure it's actually real. Oh my lord, she's got my dream job! Planning events is my thing; weddings are my thing! I read the professionally typed letters stating her business address, and the fancy cursive letters naming her business. Hinata's High End Event Planning.

I look up at my ex-highschool best friend with awe, "you're serious? You have your own event planning business?" She nods gently, making me squeal in joy and excitement. At least someone grew up to be successful.

"Hinata! No way, we gotta talk about this! Stop at a restaurant or something! No, scratch that, take us to your place; we'll have a sleepover!" My squeals of happiness were rewarded with a warm smile. Hinata giggled lightly as she agreed to drive me over to her place.

After picking up my car that is.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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