Chapter Six- Looking onto the Future

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Hey! I decided to upload. (since today is the only time I CAN upload!) I feel really bad. I start volleyball next on Monday!!!! <3<3<3<3<3 And I also plan on updating on every Sunday and Wednesday (could possibly change depending on practice and games). I know the last chapter was really short! Im sorry for that. This one will be longer! (2 pages) I know it was kind of unexpected but I couldnt help it.


Andrew's P.O.V-

I looked at her beautiful smile, heart melting eyes. I love how when she smiles her dimples show, when she laughs, everything. She and I are currently on the couch, watching Ghost Adventures. I love how she gets so into it she starts pointing out random things. She has watched every single episode and still acts like she hasn't seen them yet. We are watching the episode where Zak, Nick and Aaron go to Bobby Mackey's and Zak gets scratched with the Three Markings of Trinity.

"What the heck?!" Ria screamed, "Why did you just provoke him?!?!?! You're such a stupid monkey sometimes, Zak!!" I laughed silently as she was screaming at the television. Zak on the t.v said "Did you just scratch me?!". Her response was priceless. "No Zak, he friggen' licked your face! Of course he scratched you!!". I burst out laughing and kissed her head,

"And this is why I love you." I whispered to her. She giggled and stuck out her tounge at me. I laughed and heard the clock strike 11:30 p.m.

Ria's P.O.V-

I sat there, in my mates arms as we watched T.V. I could get used to this. He smiled that heart breaking smile and kissed my head. I was getting tired and felt myself starting to drift to sleep. I was almost asleep when Andy leaned down and whispered "I love you Alexandria Shelton." A smile spread across my face as I drifted into my usual dreamless sleep.

Next morning--

Gosh!!!! I slept well last night! I guess he is a cure-all.

"How did you sleep baby girl?" Dad asked as he kissed my forehead and grabbed his regular black coffee.

"Great. And how did you sleep?" I asked with a cheeky smile.

"Very well actually." He look up at me suspiciously.

"Well I guess going to bed at 8:00 at night on a Friday that you had off, works!" I said smugly. He smiled at me.

"Both your mother and I went to bed then. But who said we fell asleep right at 8?" He asked winking at me

I choked on my toast and stared wide-eyed at my father. Did he just say that? "Oh my lord, Dad!! I can't believe you just said that!!" I said.

He gave a cheeky smile and continued drinking his coffee. "I'm kidding." He said non-chalantly.

"Dad?" I asked looking up.

"Yeah, baby?" He said holding onto his coffee.

"Can we have a father- daughter day today?" I asked hopefully.

He smiled widely. "Sure we can! I am not one to turn down spending time with my only daddy's girl. What do you want to do?" He asked

"Can we go to our park and grab some take out? Then if we have time go and watch the sunset like we used to when I was little?" I asked. He smiled at me and chuckled.

"I would love to girl." I smiled and went upstairs after giving my father and bear hug and my pouty-lip kiss.

3 Hours later~~~

Dad and I sat under the old willow tree that has been here since I was only 2. We ate our lunch and talked and laughed. I love spending time with my father. He is right, I am his only daddy's girl. He looked at me and smiled.

"Hey princess, I have a dirty joke to tell you!" He smiled and I already knew what it was. I laughed.

"What is it dad?" I smiled and he looked up at me.

"Two zebras falling in a mudpit!" He said and I laughed my but off.

Andrew TorranceWhere stories live. Discover now