Chapter 12 Promises

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I pushed my way through the jagged branches and bushes that lined the path, keeping my eyes open for any sign of the boy that had just fled from camp. I heard a nearly minute sigh come from my left, snapping my head in that direction and taking in the sound of running water. 

I pushed through the last few bushes, coming out into a small area in front of a little stream. I stepped a bit closer, now able to fully see Devin. He was crouched down in front of the stream with one knee resting against the ground, his weapon thrown behind him near my foot. I leaned to the side, peering carefully at him and assuming that he had just splashed his face as a mixture of water and blood trickled down his cheeks, plopping down into the water.

"Are you okay?" I asked, my voice sounding a bit meeker than I had expected.

He snapped his head in my direction and quickly averted his gaze from mine, ducking his head and shrugging. "Fine."

"You dont look fine." I replied. 

He ignored me, scrapping his hands down his face and visibly wincing, a whimper escaping through his parted lips. I rushed forward, dropping on my knees beside him and pulling his hands away, causing him to flinch away as though I had burned him. 

I rolled my eyes. "Honestly, let me see your cut. Maybe I can help."

He held my gaze steadily for a few seconds before giving in and moving back to his previous position. I carefully ran one finger underneath the wound, glancing around for something to clean it with. I gave up after a while, ripping the bottom of my shirt and dipping it in the water before gently dabbing the cut. 

He winced, squeezing his eyes shut tightly and biting down on his lip so hard he drew blood. I watched as his tongue darted out to sooth the mark, reopening his eyes. "Thanks." He mumbled so low it was nearly inaudible. 

I nodded. "Cant Pan heal this?"

"He could." Devin replied, accepting my outstretched hand and allowing me to pull him to his feet. "He wont though."

"I could ask for you."

He scoffed. "You honestly think Pans going to do what you say?"

"No." I shook my head. "If I were planning on demanding him to do so the answer would be an indefinite no, but if I ask him to do it as a favor I might get a different outcome."

"So what are you, his girlfriend or something? Is he keeping you here too?" 

I frowned. "Too? Do you mean the girl in the cage?" His eyes shot up to meet mine before falling to his feet. "Who is that?"

"I cant say." He replied curtly, pushing past me and hurrying back into the woods.

I caught the end of his cloak before he could get away, tugging him roughly back. "Tell me."

"No. If I tell you anything i'm not suppose to Pan will know." 

"Yeah, he has eyes and ears all over the island, I've heard." I placed my hands on my hips.

"No." He shook his head. "He doesnt just have those things on the island, he is the island."

"So, he told you specifically to not tell me anything about the girl in the cage?" 

He thought for a moment. "Not specifically."

"Then youre not breaking any rules." I pointed out. "Look, if it comes down to it i'll say that I pressured you into it. I'll take full responsibility and nothing will happen to you."

"You promise?" He raised his eyebrows, peering at me carefully.

"Cross my heart." I drew an 'x' with my finger across my chest. "Who is the girl?"

"Wendy." He finally breathed out. "Her name is Wendy Darling." 

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