Chapter 23 Surprise

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I walked as slowly and as quietly as physically  possible, ducking around tree branches, narrowly avoiding a few particularly sharp ones from cutting my face as only a few slivers of moonlight were able to break through the trees tops above. I winced as my feet crunched over dried leaves every now and then, anticipating Pan to pop out and bust me at any moment, but he never did. 

I trained my eyes to keep a careful watch over my shoulder at seemingly all times when I first arrived to the island, and that particular ability was proving to come in quite handy at the moment. I noticed a break in the trees up ahead and suddenly my breath caught in my throat. 

I've been thinking long and hard the past few days about everything that happened so far and the more I thought about the Wendy situation the more my brain hurt. Something simply didn't make since about her being on the island, and I found myself absolutely determined to figure out her purpose. I contemplated stealing the secret map from Felix, but the more I thought about it the more dangerous it sounded in my head, leaving to me to think about alternative options. 

I decided tonight that it couldn't hurt to return to the place I had seen her cage before because Pan knows everything. Having said that, there's no way he doesn't know Tate told me about how he moves her cage periodically, so he might he have left her in the same place just to throw me off. It sounded like a decent idea in my head, so here I am, walking towards her cage that was indeed in the same spot.

The silhouette of a small girl with dirty blonde hair could be seen curled up in the back of the cage, huddled in the corner. I approached slowly, waiting for her to wake up and scream, alerting the boys of my presence and essentially getting me killed, or worse, and believe me, death is easy on this island. There are so many things that could be used as a worse form of punishment, and if anyone could come up with something that horrible it'd be Pan.

"Careful, waking her up could ruin your plan."

For a solid three seconds I thought that i'd said that out loud, seeing as it was exactly what I was thinking, but the accent that accompanied the voice told me other wise. I spun around to the smuggest face i'd ever laid eyes on staring back at me. Even in the dim glow of the white light I could see the smirk on his face and the gleam of excitement that always twinkled in his forest green eyes, despite the situation. 

My initial reaction to his presence was panic- bone chilling, spine tingling panic, but what the wave of calm that I felt shortly after confused me to no means. I stood perfectly still, watching, as he made is way towards me at an agonizingly slow pace, and grasped my hand in his. It took me a while to realize we were walking away from the cage in a direction that we'd all be strictly forbidden to tread. 

"Where- where are we going?" I choked out as my voice finally regained the ability to work properly.

"I have something I want to show you."

~ I wonder what he's got up his sleeve?? So, I want to apologize for the sucky chapters and long updating waits. I've been swamped with school stuff since this is my last year and im home schooled, so its more than you'd initially think! Things have begun to calm down a bit, so I should be back to my normal schedule soon. Dont forget to vote and comment! (They help me update faster;)) Love you guys!!~

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