Chapter 26 Am I Crazy

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The familiar voice caused me to tear my eyes away from the girl in front of me and turn around. "Pan." I breathed out, grasping at his arms as he steadied me with his hands on my waist. "Elsa-she- I cant-"

He pulled a confused face, peering around me and leaning back up with his eyebrows scrunched together. "What are you talking about? Anna, what are you doing out here?"

"Elsa! Shes here! Dont you see her? Shes- "I spun back around, breaking off my sentence as I stared at the empty area behind me. I began shaking my head frantically, muttering the word 'no' over and over again. "Elsa- she was here, I swear!"

Pan looked as though he wanted to say something, but before I could register what was happening he grasped my hand and poofed us back to the tree house in a thick, gray cloud of smoke. My feet made contact with the wooden floor suddenly and my knees buckled from the impact. I took a shaky step forward to balance myself before being pulled back by Pan and ushered over to the bed.

I sat down, letting my shoulders sag, and digging my finger tips into my temple. I felt the bed dip slightly beside me on my right indicating that Pan had taken a seat. "Okay." He spoke lowly. "What happened? From the beginning."

I nodded without opening my eyes. "This morning Felix gave me a slip of paper that told me to meet him at the cliff now. When I got there he was no where to be seen. I heard a noise behind me so I looked, and when I turned back around Elsa was there, just standing there with this blank expression on her face."

"Anna, you didnt see Elsa." 

I snapped my head up, meeting his eyes in a glare. "What do you mean I didnt see Elsa? Of course I did."

"Thats impossible. No one can enter the island without my knowledge. If she were here I would know."

I let his words settle in for a moment before speaking." But I-I saw her."

"And whats all this about Felix?" He ignored my comment. "You say you saw him this morning?"

"Yes." I nodded surely. "He gave me a note."

"Anna, you didn't see Felix this morning."

I laughed hoarsely and without humor. "Why do you keep telling me what I did and didnt do?"

"I sent Felix to the far side of island with a couple of boys to find a mermaid who's gotten a bit testy lately. They left late last night."

I froze, feeling my chest cavity tighten once more. "No I- I saw him. I-You have to believe me! I cant lie to you anyway, remember?" I grabbed his wrist. "The marks, theyll burn if we lie to each other."

He seemed completely unphased by my words even though his eyes betrayed his calmness, showing signs, im sure only I could pick up, of some unknown emotion. "I believe you think saw Felix and Elsa."

"Im not crazy." I spoke slowly as though trying to convince myself of the words I was saying. 

"I never said you were." We sat in silence for a few seconds longer, both of us contemplating what to say next. He rose to his feet suddenly, making a straight line for the ladder, speaking with his back turned to me. "I need to go- check on something."

I watched as he disappeared through the hatch in the floor, closing it behind him with a quiet thud. As soon as I was alone I laid back on the bed, curling my legs up and holding them against my chest. A million thoughts and hopeless questions coursed through my mind, but the one that was reoccurring was the one that terrified and perplexed me the most- 'Am I crazy'?

~So so so so so so sorry for the slow updates lately guys! School was crazy, but good news! I graduated!!! So I should be updating more frequently now that I have some free time:) I love you guys, dont forget to vote and comment!!!~

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