Curvy And Confident

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Holly's P.O.V

Opening my eyes turning over i switch off my alarm. Another day i think to myself, dragging myself out of bed i shower with my favorite body wash. With a towel wrapped around me I'm in front of my wardrobe. Finally I decide on a pink flower dress and put my hair up in a bun.

In the kitchen i flick on the coffee maker and get some breakfast. Sitting at the table I take my first sip of coffee it's heaven and the perfect start to the day. Time is moving on its almost time to go Its now 4:30am, Clearing my cup and bowl I put them away.

My bag is on the kitchen side I open it to make sure I have everything.
"keys yes"
"Purse yes"
"Book yes"
"Deodorant yes"
"Phone yes"
"Ipod yes OK I'm ready" .

Locking up I put my headphones in and start my walk to work. The crisp morning air hitting my face, the sidewalk empty, this time of morning reminds me of peace.
Arriving at the bakery i go inside and start up the ovens and get to work. I love owning the bakery the smell reminds me of baking with my mom. Making cakes decorating them seeing what you do makes other people happy.

Not long after the door opens and closes it must be Lizzy and Julie I'm right as they walk through the door. We have been friends for a couple of years Julie and Lizzie live together just up the road. When they found out I had a bakery they begged me for a job, at the time I needed help so I took them on.

"Morning Holly" Lizzie says
"Its not morning its the middle of the night" Julie moans i cant help but laugh Julie is not a morning person, yet she wanted a job that is started earlier than most.
"Morning to you both" Julie makes some coffee while Lizzy helps me with the Lemon tarts.
"So that sport shop is opening today I'm going to look in after work are you both coming?"
"Yes ill come" Julie says Lizzie is now looking at me
"No I'm going to head home but thanks for the offer" I say
"Ok" Julie says. 

i carry on with the Lemon tarts, when done i make a start on the subs as Lizzie is doing the bread and Julie is doing the icing on the cakes.
At 6am am we open the doors and almost immediately people start making there way in to pick up there lunch for work.

"Morning Holly"
"Morning George what can i get you?"
"I'll have one of your fabulous tuna subs and three of your meat pies"
"Sure thanks for the compliment " Taking a tuna sub and three meat pies I put them in bag and place it in front of George.
"There you are George hows Frank?"
"He is great thanks for asking"
"Tell him i said hello!"
"Thanks Holly, later" he waves as he leaves.

I call Julie out to help serve as we are really busy in the mornings, when it quiets down i leave Julie and Lizzie to it and start making some cheesecake.

They come into the kitchen
"Guys one of us has to be in the bakery at all times its open" I say
"It's OK no one is in" Julie says I sigh
"We are going out tonight wanna come?" Lizzie says
"No thanks but you guys have fun" I say
"Holly come on friends go out together"
"We just want you to have some fun" Julie says
"Who says i don't have fun? Let me guess cause I don't want to get dressed up and drink till I can't remember anything I don't have fun, that maybe your idea of fun but it's not mine no thanks I have a book with my name on it!". I say why can't they understand that?.
"Come on" Lizzie says
"Don't beg! I 'll go for an hour?" I say even though I really don't want to
"Yes" they both throw there arms in the air.
"Go and have your dinner leave me in piece for a while" I smile when really I just want some peace
"Ok back soon!".

when they are gone i sit at the table and eat my sub and have a nice cup of coffee while continuing to read my book after a while I find it hard to concentrate on the book. I do like lizzie and Julie they are my friends i suppose, I just wish that they could except that i don't like going clubbing. I usually just sit at the bar on my own anyway. Why do I do it? Would they even do it for me?.

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