Curvy And Confident

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We all sit there filling our plates with food I notice that Ally only puts a small amount on her plate Marty pours the drinks.
"So Ally your friends with my daughter" mom says
"No I'm not I know Jill" Ally says the table goes quite
"Well I suppose in time it could happen, I mean you have not been here long" mom says
"I don't think we will become friends we are to different" Ally says
"Different how?" Mom says I don't like where this is going it's our first meal all together
"I like going to the gym and looking after my body" Ally says our mouths drop open this is not going to end well
"Well if your not even going to give Holly a chance then why come here today?" Dad says
"Dad it's fine really it's up to Ally who she is friends with" I say
"I just don't get it" Ally says
"Get what?" Marty asks she slams her fork down
"How can men like you want fat woman you could do so much better, but no I mean look at them" Ally says
"ENOUGH" Jacob says "how dare you all you have done is insult our woman when they try to befriend you I don't know or care what your problem is but I won't sit here anymore and listen to you" I am so surprised by Jacob but I get where he is coming from.
"Ally I think it's best you leave I'll see you at home" Jill says
"So you are going to abandon me as well again" Ally says
"What do you mean again?" Jill asks
"You could of let me come to the spa with you but no I had to stay in that shitty flat by myself while you had a day of luxury, some friend you are and now your friends with these fattys" Ally shouts I stand up
"Now look here Ally you think because we are fat we are not good enough we'll guess what your not good enough to be friends with us, to be friends with us you have to care about someone other than yourself which you are incapable of doing" I snap Jill gets up
"I better go as well" Jill says
"What no you stay you have done nothing wrong" I turn to Ally "get the fuck out of my house" I say I watch her walk down the hall and slam the front door, sitting back down I put my head in my hands when I hear laughing I look up and see my mom laughing "whats so funny?"
"Oh darling that was class better than the soaps" mom says
"I just huh" I say
"Darling seeing you stand up to her makes me so proud you don't need people in your life like that and Jill don't feel bad you have no control over what she does" mom says
"I can't believe she did that, she is not the same person I remember I'm going to ask her to leave my friends and family are here" Jill says
"What will you do about the shop?" I ask she shakes her head
"Oh I can help with that until you find someone" mom says
"You would?" Jill says
"Of course I will dear" mom says
"Thank you" Jill smiles
"She is such a bitch good fucking riddance I say" Marie says we all look at her and burst out laughing the tension is broken the rest of the meal goes well when it comes to washing up the men tell us to sit down we won't argue with that. In the front room we sit I can't help but think about what happened who wouldn't.
"Marie how did you meet Jacob?" Mom asks Marie tells her and she ends up laughing we all do I smile to myself thinking what a perfect man I have. Not long after the men come in bringing coffee
"Maybe I can come and see the gym tomorrow?" Dad says
"You could come with me tomorrow" Marty says
"Sounds like a plan that ok with you Jacob?" Dad asks
"Fine with me I might just put you on the payroll" Jacob laughs
"You will both have jobs you won't be able to go home" I laugh mom and dad look at each other "what's that look?"
"Darling we have something to tell you" mom says
"Ok good or bad?" I ask
"Well we hope you think it's good news baby girl" dad says
"Ok" I say
"Me and your mom have been thinking for a while now actually about moving back here" dad says
"What why?" I ask
"Well darling we miss you I miss going to the bakery sorry shop we miss the weather we want to spend more time with you" mom says
"Are you sure?" I ask
"It's not a decision we have made lightly baby girl" dad say
"But what about the villa?" I ask
"We keep it it will be a holiday home" mom says they are both waiting for my reaction
"Are you really really sure?" They both nod I jump up giving them both a hug
"I take it your really happy" dad says I can only nod as tears come to my eyes my parents are moving back, when I sit back down Marty wraps his arms around me I snuggle into him, looking around the room everyone is smiling.

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