Curvy And Confident

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Holly's POV
I cannot believe that he is here!, I keep looking at him like he is going to disappear."Darling are you ok?"
"Yes mom I just Saints here he's here" I hear laughing behind me turning around I see dad and Marty. I better go and get the bags out of the car!" I say
"It's ok honey we got them while you were making sure Saint was here" dad says
"Thanks dad" I smile "I better go and put Saints things away" I stroke him and give him a kiss
"You want some help?"
"No thanks mom, I know it may sound funny but I really want to do this myself you know my first mom duty at home" mom smiles at me I smile back and go inside. I find all the bags in the kitchen. I grab the beds first I place one in front of the fire and one in the bedroom then one in the kitchen. I wash the dishes and Bowles that I got and put fresh water out along with some food, I make all the beds with the fleece blankets I brought. I place toys all around then put all the shampoos away, last I put all his food and biscuits away to say I went overboard is an understatement. Making a cup of coffee I sit at the table I can see everyone outside Marty and dad working on the fence and mom with Saint. Why do I feel jealousy? I shake my head get it together!. My thoughts going in a different direction I grab the bag from the vets and read through all the instructions for Saints treatment, my poor little man. After I have read them for a fourth time and I'm happy I know what I'm doing I rinse my cup out and pour some orange juice for the others. Grabbing the tray I carry it outside and place it on the table.
"Thanks darling" mom says
"Thanks honey" dad says
"Cheers beautiful" Marty smiles at me he never takes his eyes off me as he takes a drink. I sit next to Saint he puts his head on my lap I stroke behind his ears he seems to like it. As the night wears on me and mom cook some chicken we end up doing a chicken salad I'm so impressed that Marty and dad have nearly done the fence. We sit down to eat Marty brings in Saint and puts him in his bed I put some chicken next to his bed, as we are eating ours I see Saint eat his.
After dinner mom washes I take Saint into the bedroom and put him in his bed, picking up the phone I call Jill
"Hi I had a surprise today when we got home"
"Oh do tell!"
"Saint was here when we left he didn't stop crying so they said he could come home" I smile
"That's fantastic" Jill says "I would come over but it's mother son bonding time I think"
"Plus it's late"
"I'm so happy for you and Marty"
"Talk to me what's wrong?"
"That obvious huh?"
"A bit"
"It's maybe me just being selfish" ,I sigh "I just wish we were on our own, I love my parents to death but I need space, some family time oh fuck just ignore me"
"I get it"
"I'm going to go talk to you later"
"Bye Holly"
"Bye Jill" I put the phone down. Sitting next to Saint I smile at him a knock comes at the door "come in" dad comes and sits on the edge of the bed
"How you doing?" I frown
"I'm alright, dad"
"Well just to tell you me and your mom are going to be moving into our home tomorrow"
"I thought you would be happy it will be just be you Marty and Saint"
"What's brought this on?"
"It's time"
"Cut the shit dad"
"What it's time that's all iv got stuff to do over there plus I do want my wife to myself sometimes"
"Fine" he gets up and goes to leave "were you listening to my conversation?" He turns and looks at me
"No I was not young lady I can read other signs though" he leaves the room. I sit there with Saint, getting up I change into my pyjamas and get into bed.
I must of been really tired when I wake up it's early morning, I get up I see Saint is not in his bed then I hear banging. Going to the kitchen I look out the window Marty is there with Saint I go outside. "Morning" I kiss Saint then go to Marty "hi"
"You ok?"
"Sure, your parents left this morning"
"Oh ok" I go to kiss him he turns away "have I done something wrong?"
"I don't know have you?" He says I go back inside and get dressed I throw on some joggers and a t shirt, grabbing the car keys I head to the bakery.
Opening the bakery doors I look around and the bareness of the place is the last thing I need. Closing the door I let the tears fall "oh stop it" I go the office and sit down. After I calm down I notice that I have a message I press the button. It's about the sale of the bakery they have a cheque and the bill of sale ready that's fast. I call them back and speak to a Brian he will be coming in an hour. While waiting I make some calls to see if I can sell the ovens and cases unfortunately I have no luck. Almost an hour later there is a knock at the door I open it.
"Hello are you Holly? I'm Brian"
"Yes I'm Holly" I shake his hand we go to my office and sit down
"Here is the contract" he hands it over I sit there going over it and I mean I really go over it in business I am not stupid. When I am happy I sign and he hands over the cheque.
"Iv not had any luck selling the ovens and cases yet"
"Do not worry we can take care of that if you prefer!"
"Thanks I'm very busy at the moment" I smile "can you give me an hour or so then come back for the keys?"
"That's fine I have a few other places around here to see" with a wave and a smile he leaves. I'm lost in my own would thinking about my customers and friends the people I had working here even Lizzie and Julie. Marie is going to be a mom I'm now a mom how things change. Is there such a thing as to much to soon? It hits hard I'm never going to serve another across this counter no more banter over the counter. A sad smile comes to my face the final act of owning this bakery is taking the keys off my key ring and setting them aside. The bell goes over the door I expect to see Brian but no there stands Marty. "What do you want?".

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