Chapter 4 : Leaving The Shire Behind

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I feel my shoulder being lightly shaken as the sun only just appears over the horizon. I slowly open my eyes which are immediatly blinded by the early morning light as the sun burns through the window into my face. Slowly as my eyes begin to adjust I notice Balin standing by my side shaking my shoulder "Come on Lassie. It's time to go" He says in a soft voice. Letting out a sigh, I roll over and stand up stretching out my limbs before I must pack all my stuff up. As I fling my bag over my back I stare down the hallway with some hope, willing that maybe Bilbo has changed his mind. But my hopes are short lived as he never comes.

I walk into the dining room to get some breakfast. I am greeted by Bofur, who has a plate of eggs and bacon ready for me "This is for you" he says handing it to me with a skip in his step.

"Thank you, Bofur," I say taking the plate gratefully. I sit myself down at the table and begin to dig in. Watching the dwarves, I can see that they're filled with high spirits. This makes me wonder how long they've had to wait for this moment to finally set out to claim their home back.

"Quickly! Finish your breakfast! We need to get moving!" Thorin yells as he walks through the dining room. I quickly finish my breakfast and head for the door.

A sudden thought runs through my head as I reach the little hobbit door, I stop by the study, biting my lips as I look at the little desk. Reaching into my bag I pull out the contract, looking at it for a moment as my thought passes. I quickly place the contract in the study when no one is looking. I believe in Bilbo. I know he wants to go on an adventure, he just doesn't know it yet.

I quickly make my way out to my horse, greeted by another horse and 14 ponies that are all tied up along the fence next to my horse. The dwarves and Gandalf emerge from the hobbit hole with bags, pots and who knows what else. I climb onto my horse with what little belongings I have. Not much has been said but I guess we are going to begin our journey now. Everyone gets onto their ponies and Gandalf gets on his horse. We begin to ride down the road towards the exit road of the Shire. The dwarves begin to laugh and talk the minute we hit the road. They all begin to make wagers on if Bilbo will turn up or not. I cash in that Bilbo will turn up, Gandalf does also. A few of the dwarves also agree he will but most wager that he won't.

Getting lost in my own thoughts, preparing for the long journey ahead, I notice that everyone, but Thorin, is laughing. I wonder what his problem is, he didn't seem to like Bilbo that much, or me for that matter. Having lost most that he knows, it's understandable that he wouldn't be the brightest, but considering that we're here to help him one would think he'd be a little more grateful. At least be a little cheerful that he's finally on this quest to get his home back.

I start to question why I'm here. Why am I here helping dwarves? What was I thinking when I made a deal with Gandalf? Of course, Bilbo wouldn't agree to come. Why did I wager that Bilbo will turn up? I mean he hasn't turned up yet and we are getting further and further away from the Shire, meaning he won't have any chance of catching up-

At that moment I hear a voice not too far behind us yelling out "Wait! Wait!" I trim my horse to a stop, turning around to see Bilbo running through the trees coming our way. Everyone stops to look at Bilbo "wait!" Bilbo yells out one more time as he catches up with the company "I signed it!" Bilbo says handing the contract that I left on his study table to Balin.

Seeing the little hobbit brings a grin to my face, all negative thoughts quickly disappearing as I realise he's coming with us.

Balin grabs the contract and looks over at me "Oh really?" he says getting out his glasses. He reads down the contract before saying "Everything seems in order. Welcome, Mr Baggins to the company of Thorin Oakenshield!"

A few dwarves let out laughter and cheers of joy. I hear Thorin's deep voice from up the front say, "Give him a pony!" Bilbo begins to resist saying something about walking for a long amount of time before Fili and Kili grab him and put him on a pony.

We begin to ride again and soon after bags of money are being thrown around "What's that about?" Bilbo asks Gandalf.

"Some of them placed wagers of whether you'd turn up or not," Gandalf says.

"And what did you wager?" Bilbo asks.

Gandalf gives Bilbo a guilty look before catching a bag of money and laughing coursing me to chuckle "My dear Bilbo I didn't doubt you for a second!" Gandalf says.

"What about you Ivy?" Bilbo asks.

I smile as Dwalin throws me a bag "Never would I doubt you" I say with a smile as I put my bag of money in my big bag.

Bilbo lets out a sneeze "Oh, all this horse hair, I'm having a reaction" Bilbo begins to search his pockets for something. Not too long after Bilbo begins to yell out "No, no, wait, wait, stop! Stop! We have to turn around."

The whole company comes to a halt, and the dwarves start objecting and asking what the problem is.

"What on earth is the matter?" Gandalf asks.

"I forgot my handkerchief," Bilbo says.

"Here! Use this" Bofur says cutting a piece of cloth from his shirt and tossing it to Bilbo. Bilbo catches it and looks at it with disgust. The dwarves laugh and begin to continue riding.

Thorin yells out "Move on!"

"Here have this," I say handing Bilbo my handkerchief I never use.

"Thank you, Ivy," Bilbo says taking it gratefully. I feel a little shudder go down my spine as I remember how I came by the handkerchief, the memories attached to it. It was a gift from someone so long ago...I shake the thought from my head refusing to think about it.

"You'll have to manage without pocket-handkerchiefs and a good many other things, Bilbo Baggins before we reach our journey's end. You were born to the rolling hills and little rivers of the Shire, but home is now behind you; the world is ahead" Gandalf says to Bilbo.

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