Chapter 23 : Good and Bad News

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I sharpen my sword as I sit outside Thranduil's tent. Bard and Thranduil have consulted and have decided to join forces against the Company much to my distaste. I hate having to possibly fight against my friends, but at the end of the day I can't stop an army all by myself. I know a war is to happen no what. Either beat them or join them as they say. I only have one option out of the two if would seem.

As much as I hate having to work under Thranduil's authority, I suck it up and work with it. I told Bard about what happened between Thranduil and me all those years ago, knowing it'll be easier with no secrets among us. Bard made Thranduil and I agree to be nice to each other until they all have their gold and jewels. I'm also in this deal so that I can get my share of the gold, not that I'm too fussed over that. Bard was surprisingly not surprised when he found out about my past. He took it quite nicely, unlike Thorin and the Company. Speaking of, I wonder what Bilbo thinks of me. We've known each other for some time now, surely, he wouldn't think badly of me. Would he? He seemed to be no different towards me when we spoke yesterday...

I look up from my sword as Alfred's voice rings through my ears, making me roll my eyes at his gag like voice " No, No, No! Oi! You! Pointy hat!" Alfred yells to someone, I can't quite tell who because no one here has a pointy hat "Yes, you. We don't want any tramps, beggars nor vagabonds around here. We've got enough trouble without the likes of you. Off you go! On your horse!" Alfred yells. I'm about to yell over to Alfred asking who he's talking to too until a familiar figure walks over to him.

Feeling shock hit me, I'm taken back for a moment, having not seen his face in what feels like an eternity. A smile grows on my face as I whisper under my breath "Gandalf."

His name jolts my thoughts back into place, bringing me back to reality. I feel a spring in my step as I jump up, quickly walking in the direction of the wizard, feeling so much relief that he has finally arrived like he said he would.

"Who's in charge here?" Gandalf asks over towering Alfred.

Bard walks over to Gandalf "Who is asking?" he asks, voice raised.

I run over quickly "Its ok, Bard. I know him," I say smiling at Gandalf.

"Ivy? Oh, how great it is to see your face again" Gandalf says placing his hand on my shoulder, slightly shaken "but what on earth are you" Gandalf asks in a whisper gesturing to the mountain with a tilt of his head.

I sigh and say, "I'll explain it to you later."


Thranduil, Bard, Gandalf and I stand in Thranduil's tent arguing over the company, Thranduil appearing to be unfazed by Gandalf's arrival, seated in his miniature throat that makes me what to scoff ever time I look in his direction "You must set aside your petty grievances with the dwarves. War is coming! The cesspits of Dol Guldur have been emptied. You're all in mortal danger!" Gandalf yells.

Having heard what Gandalf had learned while he was away made me feel sick, thinking about the poor people of Lake-Town trying to defend themselves despite being so tired and weak after Smaug's attack. Then there was the matter of the dwarves inside the mountain, and poor Bilbo. If what Gandalf claims to know is real, everyone is in grave danger, and I'm not sure we have the numbers or weapons to be prepared for it.

"What are you talking about?" Bard questions.

"I can see you know nothing of wizards. They are like winter thunder on a wild wind rolling in from a distance, breaking hard in alarm. But sometimes a storm is just a storm" Thranduil says coursing me to roll my eyes.

"Not this time. Armies of orcs are on the move. And these are fighters! They have been bred for war. Our enemy has summoned his full strength" Gandalf says looking over to me knowing that I believe in what he speaks of.

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