Make it Rain

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The moment we stop crying I couldn't resist anymore to this. This is just to much. First Frost, now Jane again and my world is falling to my feet once again, one year later. And I hate myself for that.
A few minutes later we are at my house. I open the door and hold the same door to let Jane enter in my house.
"Still looks perfect Maura"
"Thank you. Do you wanna take something?"
"No I'm good, thanks"
I go to the kitchen and make some tea. I need to calm down, today I have been in a very emotional day and I need to rest myself.
"So how is Boston going?"
"Yes, without you is just lonely."
"Maura, you only meet me for two months"
She still doesn't remember anything about our friendship before the accident. That kills me a little more and I feel anger growing inside of me.
"Do you want Frost's things now?"
"Yes please"
I start to move but something holds me next to the couch. I begin to cry again, no silent tears, they are like the rain you know? Like if I'm making rain when I cry. Jane doesn't know anything about me anymore, she is my best friend and to her I'm just a strange person that met her in two months
"We used to be best friends"
I say this words really slow and my voice can barely been listen
"You used to be my Business"
"Did you said something Maura?"
I turn my face and I look into her eyes for a moment in a lot of time
"You used to be my business Jane, my only business, you used to be my best friend"
"What are you talking about Maura?"
"You used to be my best friend. You are the person that I could protect because you had my back too"
She looks at me, she doesn't understand what I feel because to her I'm just another one.
"I'm going to grab Frost's things, leave please when I come back"
"Just please, LEAVE, never search for me, call me or anything until the day you are able to ask this questions"
"What Maura?"
"What is my middle name? What did you do at the hospital to protect me? What did I said in the day that your mother made me tell her that you were pregant from Casey? I'm going to grab Frost things"
I climb the stairs in two jumps and I close my bedroom door. I just want to leave this fucking town. Language Maura, don't loose yourself.
I grab the box from Frost to Jane. He used to tell me that we would help me get her to remember but now he is dead and she doesn't know me anymore.
When I came to the living room Jane still looks surprised. But she doesn't say anything when I give her the box and open the door to her.
Then I collapsed. I begin to cry and I can't stop. Now I lost her maybe forever. I just lost the person I love the most and I can't do anything to make her come back to my life.
I just lay on the couch and watch an old movie that me and Jane used to see. Frankie is not coming home again today so I can cry the all night and think about the shit I just made. Or friendship can't end like this right?
I'm so focus on my mind that I don't hear the knock on the door the first time. When the knock repeats I sit up and while I clean the tears I make my way to the door.
"What are you doing here?"
I say when I see the face in front of me. The next minute his arms are around my neck able to break my neck at any second
"So good to see you again Maura. Now I can have my revenge and a the long revenge I always hoped for"
With that he puches my face and I fall to the floor, he starts beating me. I'm almost unconcious.
Then I drags me to this car and put me in the passenger sit. He closes my door.
I try to scream but I'm to weak to do that. He injects something in my arm and I feel the World getting black.
Jane, save me.
Those are my last words before the world went just black all over me.

Hey guys
Oh my god i haven't updated in ages!
Sorry but here you havê a short and shit chapter
I hope you like
Sorry for the mistakes
Love you all!

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