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After talking to the new Jane, Maura walked back to her room. Her face was the saddest one and she never felt that misery. The only person she couldn't lose in the world had just disappeared from the earth. Jane Rizzoli was there, the face, the smile, the cop talk but she was not the same to Maura. She reached the door and she started to cry again. Then she picked her phone and she called the past...
At the otherwise, Jane had a strange felling. Why all her friends kept talking about Maura? She had been really clear when Maura died, she didn't wanted to talk about that. Why bring everything back to life?
Maura had been in Jane's mind since the accident. Her silly face when Jane asked her to guess or to rush the process. Jane will always miss Maura, the time they spent together, the laughs they shared and their stories. Those are the things she will keep forever. And then this new stranger appeared.
"She looks so familiar. Just like Maura and they share the same name. But no one will ever be Maura Dorthea. Not even in a thousand years"
Jane's head falls in the pillow and in a few seconds she is sleeping and thinking about what may have been

A few hours later, Maura felt again that she couldn't do this for Jane. She will never remember her, she is dead and everything is just like that.
On that second Maura heard a familiar voice talking in the corridor. She smiled for a second.
"Arizona, just talk or shut your mouth. Here is the surprise moment?"
"I heard you folks. I know you are here Arizona"
Arizona Robbins smiled and entered in the room. Right new to her, Maura saw other old friends from her past
"I just ruined the surprise."
"I'm still surprised. "
"If you are surprised why can't you have a little smile in your face honey?"
"I can't really smile right now"

Arizona Robbins didn't said a single word, she just hugged Maura. Then Maura started to cry again. For a moment the queen of death took off the mask that usually covers her face. Arizona just holded Maura and let her take everything off her shoulders.

"Is that bad?"

"She may never remembers me."

Maura cleaned the tears with her shirt and just looked at her old friend.


"Her mind is just running from the bad memories of the accident and everything that includes the accident. Basically she knows who she is and she knows her friends, or favourite team. The accident had nothing to do with that. But she doesn't remembre the accident or me because we were the accident and her brain is avoiding the accident"


"Maybe one day she will remembers, or maybe she will remebers parts of what happend. Until that day I'm just a strange person to my best friend"

Arizona hold Maura's hand and Maura smiled. She missed her friend for so long, since Med School

"Thanks Arizona"

"For what?"

"For coming when I called you. You and Callie..."

"We are not together anymore"

"What? How?"

"We weren't working really good, she wanted to feel free again. So we broke up"

"I'm sorry to hear that"

"Oh, don't be. That's why I came. I wanted to get away from Seattle. And help you with all of this going on"

"Thanks again. You can stay at my house. Jane's mother live at my guest house but she wouldn't mind. She is amazing, like the mother I never had."

Arizona hugged Maura and she smiled

"Everything is going to be okay, you will see Maura, you will see"

2 weeks later

Maura was happy. She was at her home again with Arizona and for 2 weeks she forgot that Jane doesn't know who she was. But Jane was okay too. Casey taked care of her when she went home from the hospital. But today was a big day. Maura was about to come back to her job, which means that the queen of death needed to work again with the person that doesn't even know why she had the place of her dead best friend. Why she was the new medical examiner in BPD.

The phone rings and Arizona calls Maura. BPD calling, it is time to go back to work.

"Everything will be okay you will see"

"It will be hard"

"Remember that you have the chance to start everything again and avoid the mistakes from the past. Or make them again"

"Thanks Arizona"

"Go Maura, go and kill them all"

"I think that will give me even more to do"

Maura drived to the crime scene with a positive attitude. Maybe Jane knows something about the accident, maybe she remembers something. She got off the car and walked to the body.

"So this lady is the new medical examiner? You must be kidding me! She his wearing high heels on a crime scene and she looks like she is going to a fashion show."

Maura heard Jane saying that when Frost showed her photos from another crime scene before the accident

"Do you have a problem with that, Detective Rizzoli?"

"Absolutelly not Doctor Isles."

"Do your work that I will do mine. Do you understand that?"

"Yes. What we got?"

The queen of death felt emptyness inside of her and she felt everything falling around her. Maybe she will never had her best friend again and she needs to understand that before she gets hurt because of a stupid hope.

So hey guys. Thanks for all of you who are Reading this. You are amazing. I hope you are enjoing it. If you didn't noticed all the storie is based in Green day songs cause they say a lot to me. So listen them when you read and you will understand better the charaters.

I wanted to put Arizona in the storie only to support Maura. God I'm loving writing this and my mind is full of ideas. So keep Reading I will update soon

bye guys and thanks

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