Chapter 1

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Isaac and I ran to Scotts side.

"What happened?" I asked, touching the blood on Scotts tore up chest.

"Liam, he went nuts! I came to tell him Hayden died and he was attacking Scott. That's when Liam left and Theo came and knocked me out."

Scott quickly sat up and touched his chest and winced.

"Come on baby, let's get you home." Melissa said.

We all helped Scott stand up. I saw shards of little glass sticking in his back. I looked up and saw the sky light was broken. I pulled the glass out of his back and I felt him twitch a little. We carried him to Melissa's car.

"Thank you guys." Melissa said. "Be safe okay? Scott will be fine, I'll just patch him up."


Scott laid down in the back seat and Isaac shut the door. Melissa got in and drove away.

I turned and looked at Mason and said, "Hayden's dead?"


"Why did Liam attack Scott?" Isaac asked.

"Because Hayden was dying and Liam believed that if Scott bit her she'd live, but Scott didn't give her the bite. He was furious."

"Where's Liam now?" I asked.

"I don't know."


We gave Mason a ride home and then went over to Scotts to make sure he was okay. We walked in and it was quiet. I heard people talking, it sounded like Parrish. I saw Lydia standing at the top of the stairs not moving. I walked up further and saw Scott on the ground and Parrish talking to him.

Parrish turned around and looked at me then Lydia. I looked closer at Lydia and she was there but it didn't seem like it. I waved my hand over her face but she didn't respond and just stared off.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked turning back at Parrish and Isaac helping Scott up.

"I don't know, I found her in the woods, just laying there. She broke two nails off carving a badge in a rock."

"Let's take her to the hospital." Scott said, "I have to go there anyway."

Scott was still dizzy so Isaac and Parrish helped him down while I held Lydias hand down the stairs. We got into Parrish's car and we're headed toward the hospital.

"Why do you need to go to the hospital?" Parrish asked. 

"My mom told me Stiles dad was attacked by something."

It got quiet. Lydia sat between me and Isaac. She was still staring into space. I grabbed a flashlight and shined it into her eyes. She didn't blink, she didn't flinch, her pupils didn't dialate, nothing happened. I put the flash light down.

"Lydia, I don't know what's going on but I know you can hear me because you hear everything, it's going to be okay, you'll be okay." I whispered.

We pulled up to the hospital. I pulled Lydia out. She was cold and walked really slow. I was basically dragging her when I noticed something on her neck. I moved her hair and saw dark dots.

"Someone shine your phone light on her neck please."

Scott slowly came over and turned on his flashlight on his phone. The dots were claw marks.

"Who did that?" I asked.

"Theo." Lydia said really quiet but she didn't say any else.

I was so furious at Theo, that the next time I saw him I wouldn't think twice about killing him.


Lydia got put on a stretcher and got wheeled down the hall with Parrish following. Isaac and I followed Scott into the elevator because I too wanted to see sheriff Stilinski. The elevator opened and we walked into a dimmed room. We saw Stiles dad on a stretcher in the room.I looked over into the door windows and saw Stiles.

Stiles ran through the doors and jumped on Scott yelling, "Where we're you Scott? We're were you!"

Two police men and Isaac broke up the fight by pulling them apart.

"Look at him Scott, look at him!" Stiles yelled.

"He's not the only one who got hurt." Scott said.

"Oh boo hoo, you'll heal." Stiles said looking at Scotts blood stain on his shirt.

"It's not me."


Isaac and I left the hospital, we were to over whelmd with every thing. Why did the doctors need me? Is Sheriff Stilinski going to die? What's wrong with Lydia? Where's Liam and Kira? Why are Scott and Stiles fighting and avoiding eachother?

I started feeling anxiety. We moved to Beacon Hills for a fresh start and all we got was a town of other supernatural creatures and supernatural drama.

Isaac dropped me off at my house and said how he needed to get his head straight and needs to be alone for a while, I couldn't agree more.

I walked in and felt cold, sad, confused all at the same time. I had no idea what to do. I start crying in frustration. I look at the time and it's 11:57. All of a sudden my eyes felt heavy.  I went up stairs and slept, and it felt good.

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