Chp. 37: Kisses From the Wrong People

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"Spot, y-you've got a visitor," Fetch was slightly shaking Spot noticed, so he came out of the lodge house, holding Fetch's shoulder.

He walked out to see his newsies all looking at the figure, which was puffing a cigar. The darkness finally subsided as Spot saw who it was.

"Can we get a lil privacy, Spot?"

"Off the dock," Spot barked and every newsie, including Bucky, walked off the dock and into the misty night. He knew they'd go to Ralph's, the local bar.

"Ya got a lot of nerve showin' up here," Spot snarled. "Skiddy," His name left Spot's mouth with nothing but loathe.

"Spotty, I'll just cut right to the chase," Skiddy smirked. "Stetson and I see that you's been holdin' back since a little Kenny came back,"

"You and Stetson? And how do you even know about that?"

"Queens and Harlem are long time allies, my friend." Skiddy took the cigar from his lips. "And word gets around fast. Especially when it's New York's favorite goil,"

"So why is you here then? You wanna talk about Kenny 'cause you miss ha?" Spot smirked.

"I could talk Kenny all ya want, won't be so fun if she's dead,"

Spot shifted his weight into an attack mode. His dagger eyes shot at Skiddy as Skid smirked.

"Now I got ya attention," Skiddy chuckled darkly. "Look here. You do whatcha gotta do, make Kenny witness it. She'll confront you, whatta fiery chick she is, and you'll choose Olivia."

"And if I don't?"

"You got ya-self a borough war and a dead Sullivan on your hands, Conlon."

Spot grit his teeth and clenched his fists. He had no other options, and no ways out. How did Kenny find escapes from her problems?

"Do we got a deal?" Skiddy held out his hand.

Spot looked at it, then looked back up at him.


"Mushy, you cheated!"

"Did not, swear!!"

Kenny picked up his cards and threw them. Race cackled and Skittery rolled his eyes.

"Are ya gonna do this every time we play?"

"Gives the game edge, Skit." Blink said, fidgeting with his eye patch.

"The game already has edge since we're playing for Kenny's underw--"

"Don't make me come in there," Jack yells.

"Aw, you know we're kidding," Skittery grins.

"Nah, I'm done. My cards is trash," Kenny stood up.

"Same, I'm goin' ta the tracks," Race follows.

"Translation: goin' ta meet Mary." Blink nudges Mush.

"It's Marie,"

"Ooooh, my bad,"

"Can it, boys." Kenny waved them off. Race nodded at her in thanks before leaving the lodge.

"Where's David and Les these days?" Kenny asks.

"Davey is think in' bout college and Les is in school," Jack says sadly.

"Naw," She says, not believing it.

"Ain't ya glad we got our aunt and uncle?"

"Yeah, guess so."

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