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Hi guys....

I know a lot of you don't like hearing about feelings but i wrote my friend this just now and yes i actually made a friend for once in my life!! Yay....anyway ive been really depressed and feeling really dysphoric no matter what i do its like im not happy with anything.....but I wrote this and it shows a lot of my feelings when im getting changed and i catch myself in a mirror or getting into the shower ... "Why???? Why did i have to be born like this???? Why couldnt i have just been born without such a big chest without these wide hip with this fat belly i have?? Why did i have to be born so short snd have such a high pitched voice and feminine facial features?? I dont mind it sometimes but why did i have to be born in this body?? Just a smaller chest belly and hips but noo?! Im stuck in this body just reminded of the girl that i was the girl that i was forced to be and still am :( " ........i know its hard and many of you are like i am but we just have to keep our heads up through the hard times dont give into temptation if you need to message me im going to put my old kik down below.....sorry for being so blahh just not with it right now....

Kik: Darkangel16666

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