Preface & Chapter One

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Daddy Turned Dark

The noise coming from the kitchen woke Herb again; it was impossible to sleep through events like this. In this household it was always Herb's father, and tonight he was on another one of his rampages. His father had just slammed a bottle of prescription drugs down on the kitchen table. He wanted to throw it across the room, aiming partly at his wife, his internal angry side had already aimed it at his own inner Being – his sad pathetic Being that hated life and blamed everyone else. He hated its hardship. He always returned to his poor me victim energy. Tonight he hated being a father to his son; the one he rarely saw as the perfect Being his son was, so this father's actions just confirmed those allegations.

His kid was diagnosed with all the labels people label kids that have learning problems – the ones no longer considered normal. This dad didn't care so much about having a slow learner, or even if others thought he was a dumb kid; he was pissed that he now had to pay for the drugs to try to cure him or, worse, Herb was going to be expelled from the only school in this small farming district where they lived.

Right now, Herb's mother was the only one employed, and there was no way this man was going to take on the responsibility of moving to another town because of Herb's educational needs and the school's new laid down laws about Herb's diagnoses too.

This unemployed man had just been dished up another curve ball, and he didn't know how to handle it. He'd been like this ever since the factory close to town had closed down. He was like the many who were seeking a job in a town where few existed and only a few were working. His dream as a kid was to be rich and live the middle class dream, own his home, have two cars, have a savings account, and be able to afford to send his kid to college. All those dreams had slipped away so much that now he couldn't even afford to take his kid to a ball game or the movies. Times were hard. He had hardened with the times.

Slowly, over the past eighteen months, this unstoppable ordeal of events, one after another, had been eating Herb's father up internally. He often blamed his boy for these circumstances.

Any father choosing this route should be labeled pathetic, a sad soul, and that was how Herb felt about his dad – he was one of those people. Herb's father had cut off any connection to his spiritual Being, his Higher Being; that was long gone from his dreams. He had abandoned his soul many years ago and was walking the journey alone with no hope that he could be rescued, or could forgive himself for the pain he had caused others, or, more, to forgive himself for hating himself.

Herb wondered if his dad was mentally sick because he was unable to stop himself from causing such misery and suffering to those who lived within the walls of what he, little Herb White, tried so hard to call home, or what he thought was his real home.

This cold space lacked the kind love a father was supposed to show to his boy, even if he was an adopted boy. The man of the house was supposed to protect his family from the evils in the world, not create them. This is what this man hid from the outside world. How he truly felt about Herb, and what he kept locked behind closed doors for many reasons.

This was the home Herbert had grown up in, but it wasn't always this way. As his father's bank account went down so did his kindness, and his depression took over.

Herb always felt like he was in the line of fire, but tonight he knew it was his mother who was being abused for his failings and all the additional expenses that came with his new label.

They had to drug their boy or he would be removed from school. His Mother was upset that they were ordered to medicate him because he'd been disruptive in class. They had warned Herb and his family three times already, "We can't have these ADHD, ADD kids running loose in the hallways!"

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