Chapter 9 and 10

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The Master Healer

Izar knew Herb had drifted into the higher realms, beyond his third dimension, as he stood above his dense shell lying in its unconscious state.

Herb's own Being was a sphere of energy floating above his dense physical matter. Herb too could sense the shell of his Being peacefully lying there from his new vantage point.

Izar stretched out his arms and moved them slowly upward toward infinity and beyond. This immense vastness held all the secrets, so he recited his prayer. He asked for a miracle to come forward to heal Herb's ankle.

"Oh great healer and creator of all, bring forth the Healing Master, to heal this boy's fall."

A portal of energy appeared above the two, spiraling downward, and within it, a seven foot Master materialized in all his splendor wearing a long golden robe with crystals as well as beads sewn across his chest.

This Healing Master smiled at Izar, who humbly moved aside gave him the needed space to perform his healing. It was as if these two knew each other so much more. No words were needed to explain.

The Healing Master Vanardo held his hands over Herb's ankle. Through his high-tech x-ray eyes, he saw the twisted bone. It looked more like a grid of crystalized matter that had separated its own particles. Nothing was missing. It was only out of alignment.

With his hands, this Healing Master manifested a ray of light that penetrated through Herb's flesh. His powerful hands blended with Herb's light energy so together, the energies worked in harmony, direction and motion which allowed Master Vanardo to perform this painless operation. He placed Herb's twisted ankle back into alignment with such ease.

His eyes continued to examine Herb's aura his energy. When he saw the metal rod in his arm, he entered and removed it. He threw it aside and swished his hand over the scar as he continued with his full body healing scan.

Izar watched as he witnessed Herb's bone rapidly growing back into perfection. It was nothing more than the alignment of his spiritual energetic life force.

The healing was complete. This powerful Healing Master had one more task. From his robe pocket he removed a small metallic wand and slowly made small counterclockwise circular motions. He started at the bottom on Herb's body and moved upward, spinning it in motion. It was as if he was attuning Herb's frequency. He realigned each of Herb's chakras. The seven colors of the rainbow surrounded him and blended together. They became a conduit of light, swirling upward to his crown chakra.

Herb's body finally turned to a pure white light. This Master Healer's mission was now complete. He raised his arms to recite his own prayer of thanks which these Pleiadian Beings do and understand the importance of being in a state of gratitude for all things brought forward to assist them.

"I thank the Universal Light, the creator of all, for working through me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. All is one. The great I AM!"

He looked over to Izar. "This child will have no memory of this healing. I have left the bump on his head, for him, as a reminder. If he chooses to remember and wants to know what happened it will be available to him. It will heal as he heals himself. This child is a very confused soul who has returned home with his many lessons to experience." He pat his young galactic student's arm, "Izar, you must not interfere in another soul's emotional journey, ever! You know this, my child!"

The Master bid the young Commander farewell with their universal salute of love, one hand on their heart and the other pointing upwards. Just like that he returned into the vortex, the spinning shaft of light from which he came.

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