Chapter 8

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chapter 8

The Meeting of the Worlds

The situation wasn't good. Herb's damaged body lay in agony as he realized he was stuck, alone, and now destined to die. He had wanted to die before, but not like this. He didn't even know if he could find the strength to save himself. This new pain, once again, just reminded him of how much he hated his life.

It was ironic that nothing had changed. His running away from home had just caused him more pain. He was learning the hard way that you cannot run away from fear and discomfort; you must embrace it and see it as your friend, your teacher.

Your fear will fall away like a piece of fruit whose time has come to decay and turn back into the nourishment Earth needs to replenish itself. Life is like that too. Sadly, to many it is soiled, but in the eye of the beholder who knows the difference. If one was to look closely, they would see that the soil has the magic within to create new growth and the cycle of life continues with each new seed.

Herb only saw his life as decaying right before him. He thought he was now destined to die alone in this cruel world – the only world he had known lately.


Izar positioned himself out of sight. He could see Herb lying motionless beneath him. He wanted to help, even knew how to save him because it was his nature. He also had been told by his father as well as others that he could not interfere with humans. Definitely not without being asked first.

So he observed Herb as he lay there motionless. Half of him wanted to venture forward, the other half knew he had to wait for permission. He even thought that maybe he should make his presence known.

He assumed it would be a strange introduction. He might be rejected and feared. Izar knew a meeting like this could make this dense Being's situation even more harmful for him.

Izar was caught in the duality of doing or not doing, so this experience was strange. This was a very Earthly driven way of acting.

Izar knew about the Human race; he had experienced life on this planet too. He knew how the Humans lived in this duality of both positive and negative energy all the time.

Herb could be defensive and react like a warrior. This same war-like mentality had ruled Earth for thousands and thousands of lifetimes. What if he had a weapon?

Izar's people were more evolved in understanding the meaning of being balanced. Izar's own theory was beyond the boundaries of right or wrong, good or bad, kind or evil, or up or down. Humans responded either way all the time. He also knew it was part of their personal growth on this planet. Humans inherited this as a form of karma. They came here to planet Earth for the experience of this duality and the free will of being whichever way they wanted. One day they would understand their need for balancing the two, or they would continue to return to master being in the state of the unconditional love and accepting another's right to their journey and experience.


Izar knew the sun would be up in a few hours and the shuttles would be arriving to pick up some of the High Commander, who would be returning to their mother ships in their safety zone. Izar wondered if he should warn them or wait until the High Council Members exited the caves after their meeting. He knew what was happening was in serious secrecy, yet even he was not allowed to interrupt them or be in their operations room.

The intrigue and confusion of possibilities within this young Galactic boy was enormous. He was overflowing with curiosity. Izar wanted to be in the place where one acts from their heart. He was relieved when he heard Herb screaming.

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