A Wolves Life

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The sweet smell of a warm fat hare smelled wonderful, I crept forward carefully not to alarm it. Not knowing the location yet I had to be quiet and take each step cautiously. I took in the scents around me and my eyes darted to a small bush to my left a couple leaps away. Adjusting my paws creeping slow and quiet, I darted forward and missed. I darted after it, quick on my paws I snatched it up. Snapping the weak furry neck with a quick snap it lay limp in my jaws, my prize, and a fat juicy hare.

My name is Shadow, I'm twenty-four moons old, my pack is Forest Fir Pack. My mother and father, Mishka and Crow, my sister, Creek and Angel, Yazi, my aunt and Lighting are part of my small pack. My mother has white and black fur. My father has black and grey fur. Creek has a mixture of white and black like Mishka. Angel has a mix of white and grey, Yazi was all white with a mix of brown fur on her back and head. Lightning was not related to any of us and was he has light brown fur that blended into his darker shades of brown. My parents are alpha pairs, Yazi is beta, my sisters and I are juveniles although my sisters are thirteen moons older, and Lightning is omega. Our territory is fairly large with a one neighbor so food is normally abundant.

I sat down at the usual spot we eat, between a couple of trees and ten paces away from our rest grounds. Next to a good elk hare was the best, sweet and warm. I perked my ears up, Lightning, probably unsuccessful on a hunt. I looked up to him eyeing my meal that I had caught myself. I was full and there was still meat on the bones, why waste it? I got up looking straight at him, bearing my sharp white teeth and growled.

"I'm boss"

Lightning lowered his head looking down and held his tail curled low.

"I submit"

I walked off to the rest grounds while Lightning scampered over to what was left of my hare. I snuffled around found a nice patch of clean grass and lay down to rest in the warm sun that shined over it. It was the best thing to do in the afternoon, lye on the grass to rest.

I awoke a while later, and lazily sat up and rubbed my eyes. My eyes adjusted to the night sky, it was so much easier to see at night and easier to hunt elk. Looking around I saw my sisters playing in the dirt, play biting at each others muzzle and paws. I didn't really feel like playing so I gazed up at the night sky to admire little twinkles in the sky.


I looked up wondering when the next hunt would be. Shadow was watching those little dots in the sky, twinkles. I don't know why she likes to watch them so much. Yazi was watching Creek and Angel play; I had nothing to do so I padded up to a patch of grass and sat down. Crow started walking towards me; I got up and started walking away. I heard him growl at me, I turned around not looking directly at him, tail tucked and head low.

"I am less, I submit"

He pounced on me growling and bearing his teeth. Whining, pleading him to leave me alone. He growled even more threatening. I peed on my self in total submission, he walked away.

"I give in! I give in, I'm not the boss"

Everyone was looking at me, how embarrassing. Being an omega I'm always forced to submit to everyone and always end up embarrassed.


Such a weak little omega, I thought. I sniffed the air as a breeze blew through the trees. I howled a loud howl, to begin the hunt. Mishka came to my side, and let out a howl that harmonized with my howl. Creek and Angel harmonized Mishka while Shadow howled to harmonize Angel, it wasn't the best but she is still young. Concert ended shortly and I ran followed by Mishka, Angel, Creek Shadow and Yazi. Lightning could come when ever; I didn't care for the low likes of him. I started scenting for the elk, they were north east. I stopped once I could just see their antlers. Mishka left my side to sniff out for a weak or sick elk. The bull elk smelled tantalizing but would probably put up a good fight, to risky. I passed by several does as I circled five leaps from the herd, all smelled healthy. Mishka was still going around the herd as quiet as any wolf can. She raised her head and pointed her muzzle directly at a cow elk resting seven leaps away. Creek, Yazi, Angel and Shadow were still waiting in the grass. Yazi would lead them to attach the elk. Creeping carefully toward the chosen elk, I was so close now to it. It lifted its large head, ears perked. I froze, carefully I thought, I put one paw down. Next paw and the next, two leaps away. Snap, oops, a twig broke beneath my heavy paw. As quick as all the elk stood up to run I pounced onto the doe's side and sunk my teeth down. I held on as best as could while the doe thrashed around as she desperately to run. I let go and jumped back avoiding its perilous hooves. Mishka ran at the terrified doe and I ran on the other side, it was going straight. The doe was closing in on were they were. Yazi sprang out onto the unsuspecting cows neck as I dove down and ripped the belly of the cow. Mishka has helping Yazi while Creek, Angel, and Shadow were trying to break its legs. For what seemed like forever its leg cracked, its legs bent and fell to the ground. Mishka snapped the neck and it lay paralyzed on the ground.


I've eaten elk before but I had been too young to really go on the hunt. I felt excited and proud to have been part of the hunt. Crow dug in, while Mishka waited before eating. When Crow left to sit back and rest a bit Yazi joined in. Mishka and Crow left for home. As soon as Yazi finished my sisters and I dug in. I savored the sweet taste of elk in my mouth; Lightning crept out of the bushes as we started to leave the kill. I turned around and jumped towards him snarling.

"I'm boss!"

He tucked his tail low held his head low.

"I give in, I am not the boss"

Glaring at him I turned to leave. All that was left of the elk was the stringy meat of the back, legs and the bones.


I woke up in late afternoon, I feel different. Looking back at my pack, my family, my instinct is to leave them and start a new family. I got up and walked over to Mishka. I whined and looked from our home area to where our home territory ended.

"May I Leave?"

Mishka bent down and licked my forehead and looked out to where home territory ended.

"Yes my pup, be safe"

I ran outside our territory lines feeling a great rush of confidence. My instincts were strongly telling me to find a lone male, and start a family.


Creek will start her own pack I thought. Angel will too soon unless she stays. Shadow might in a couple months or so. I'm fifty-two moons old, I'm still young enough to have and raise a liter of pups. Question is if Crow is. I should fetch a squirrel or a fat marmot would be good. I ran out in search of prey, smelling around for something food. Something smelled of nuts and fruits, I followed the scent to a blueberry bush. Squirrel, it stood up on its hind legs ears perked and nose twitching, then went back to eating blueberries. I dart forward catching it in my jaws I snapped its neck and it lay limp. I carried it back towards the resting grounds. I tore into it enjoying my snack, the meat tasted succulent. I drifted into sleep till.


Dear Readers,

Since this is my first book I've ever wrote here on wattpad I've most likely made a lot of spelling errors, I apoligize for these errors. I hope people are enjoying the book and if you see any major spelling errors or any error in my writting please comment on this book.

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