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Months went by as Lightning and Shadow worked hard to survive the long cold winter. Spring arrived a moon ago(month) bringing prey back to the area and out of hiding. Prey is easier to find and kill in spring so it brings joy into the hearts of wolves.


I sniffed the air thinking about my coming pups. Finding a den was the first thing on my mind. I trotted over toward the hills followed by my mate, Lightning. The hills went up and led to mountains, there should be a good place somewere, heading up the hill I sniffed the air. The scents of hares and mountain goats mingled in the air as well as some scents I don't reconize. Some parts of the hill was flat ground and parts of it became steeper as I came closer to the mountains. I looked around and trotted to and area of flat ground on the hill. There were two holes on the sides of the hill close by to each other, i entered on side and entered into a cave. The entrance let in a bit of light to see by, I sniffed the cave, I picked up traces of a wolf living here with pups but the scent was old. Walking out I rolled in the grass at the entrace, rubbing my scent to mark that this was my den. I walked around and began scent marking the area around the den.


I paced around the area. Having no intrest in the I started to think about hunting. The scents are different here now I guess I should try and find some prey. I ran up the hill sniffing the air, a couple scents were familiar but some weren't. I followed a scent and came upon some kind of prey. It was large, with a lot of white fur and had horns, I tilted my head curious. I think it's mountain goat. I walked closer when one of them came towards me and snorted. I backed away thinking about their horns. It walked away as I walked around the herd of goat looking for a weal goat. One of them smelled sour, a sign of sickness. Target found I thought. I ran forward and lept forward at my goat. I sank my teeth into its side as it thrashed and kicked while other goats ran away. I let go leaping to the side, the goats hoofs nearly struck my head. One kick to my head and it's over I though grimely. I jumped the side and sprang toward it's belly. It's knees gave way and it collapsed onto the ground panicking trying to find the strength to get up. I made a couple tears and bites at the goat but flailing hooves were keeping me a distance. I darted forward and bit down as hard as I could on the back of it's neck. The hooves stopped flaing and it lay limp finally. I ate as much as I could, ripped off a large chunk of meat and trotted back to Shadow.


I lay tired by entrance of the den, a cool brezed driffting across the hill. The sound of paw steps startled me for a moment until I saw Lightning. He placed a  large chunck of meat in front of me. I licked his muzzle. "Thank you" He licked my muzzle back and trotted over by a bush a started sleeping. I sniffed the meat, it smelled good and I began to eat the tough meat. When I finished I picked the bones up and carried them a short distance away to keep the den area clean. I layed back down and slept .

I woke up later on in the day feeling well rested. I rose to my feet and sniffed the air, the smell of Lightnings kill he made the day before. Following my nose to kill I found it with some meat left and a couple coyotes eating off what was left of what was kill. I walked up to the couple of thieves and growled " Leave!" They left the kill racing up to the mountains. I tore off a chunck of meat and began to eat the tough old meat. Lightning trotted up and began eating. I got up and started eating more meat. I got pretty full and walked down the hill. Sniffing the air and keeping my ears perked I could soon hear the sound of water moving quickly. I came to a narrow river, I drank a bit and trotted back to the den.  Lightning was there lying down by the den. I sat beside him and started cleaning my paws. I layed down and began to think about my pups and coyotes.


It became dark and my eyes easily ajusted. I got up and sniffed the air, the scents of  coyotes mingled in the air, the scents of other things confused my though. I wandered around scent marking the area around the den and decided to start exploring. Another scent reached my nose, a looked up a tree and saw a fat raccoon. It looked at me and growled, I beared my teeth growling. I walked away from the tree. I continued on walking sniffing the air for scents of danger. Everything smelled ok at the moment. The bushed rustled a bit in the distance, a large cat appeared. It had large black tipped ears and thick fur, a lynx I thought. The lynxes nose twitched and it trot. I could now smell the sweet smell of hare. I ran toward the scent and came upon a fat hare. It started to flee, I jumped and missed. I ran after it, even though it is a fat hare it sure is fast I thought. I caught up to it and bit down hard into it's soft flesh. It shrieked and layed limp in my jaws, I started running back to the den area.

Shadow and I shared the rabbit, she finnished most of it and I got up and set out to find a vole or something. I found a vole and killed it, the scent of the lynx still lingered, my ears went back as I started to worry about Shadow and my saftey. A lynx is hard to kill I thought. I ate the vole and ran back to the den area. I layed down while Shadow stretched her legs before walking around a bit. She sat down back by the den entrance and started to sleep.


When I woke up the day had passed and it was now slowely getting darker. I started panting a bit, feeling pressure down lower. I got up and went into the den, I was panting more now as a layed in the den.


I walked up to the den with another hare in my jaws, I sniffed the air and realized Shadow was in the den. I tilted my head a bit curious and entered the den. Shadow was painting closing her eyes slowly and opening them. I licked her head to comfort her, she still seemed nervous. Her legs stretched a bit and the first pup of the liter entered the world.


I felt pain as the first pup came through. I started to lick the new pup, I licked it's tiny furless head and licked it warm untill it began to move around. The pup whined a tiny high pitch squeak as it began to move around. Pain again struck, I whined and stretched my legs. As I panted the next pup came through. I licked it clean and kept licking it until it started moving as well.

Hours passed as Shadow had her pups. Lightning remained at her side all the while comforting her with encouraging nuzzeling. Shadow gave birth to three pups that night.

I cleaned my self up and nudged the pups to my belly one by one. The pups squirmed around and soon started to nurse.I layed my head down, resting completely exausted. I closed my eyes feeling elated to know that I had pups of my own. One pup was the largest I had noticed, it was a male, that one should be named Bandit. One had a bit of red mixed in it's, the second largest, a female, that one is Ginger. The other was smaller, a female I decided to name Cocoa. The pups are perfect I thought drifting off the sleep.


Dear Readers,

Hope people are enjoing the book, I apologize for typo's in my writing. If anyone reading my books has any sugestions please gain some courage and comment or something.



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