The Pups: Redezvous Site

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The pups continued to grow and grow and are big enough and old enough to leave the den. Now that they're leaving the den they are now vulnerable to all sorts of things now. Shadow and Lightning are readly to leave with the pups and make a jorney.

I barked to the pups, they perked their ears and raced toward me yipping. I regurgitated the meat of a goat for them to eat, and started eating my meal. It's time to leave I thought. I'll most likely be back I thought, only the next time with a new liter of pups. I turned to the pups, Ginger, Bandit, and Cocoa. They all finished what was given to them, I turned to leave the territory. We walked and walked and occasionally the pups would yip in excitment as more scents greeted them in the air. I smiled at their excitment, it was amusing to me. I sniffed the air again, my amusment turning to fear. Coyote, the scent was clear as night in my head. Lightning held his head high sniffing the air, he smelt it, too. I heard a yip and I whipped around and glared into the eyes of a coyote. It was rather small and fragile looking to the eye, its thin weak ribs showed. I growled a low warning, it backed away slowing as it whined. I turned and kept the pups moving forward a quick pace. I looke over my shoulder real quick as I walked. Bandit, wanting to be brave and bold was glaring at the coyote, growling the same way I had. It was funny, yet maddening. A pup standing up to a coyote was mad, for the coyote would not hesitate to take advantage of a quick and easy meal like this. The coyote leaped forward at my pup, Bandit flattened his ears back and whinned and tried to look small. I leapt a fraction of a second after the coyote. In air the coyote looked from the pup to me who was also jumping. The coyotes eyes were now filled with fear, but it was to late, it was already in the air. Just a tail length above Bandit the coyote was about to crush and kill the pup, but not before I slammed into its side, in mid air still, amd sank my sharp teeth into its scrawny flesh. When I hit the ground two of its rips snapped like a twig, it bled and yelped. I sank my teeth into its side again causing it to yelp again. Blood poured heavily before it died. I glared at Bandit who whimperd in pure fear. I turned again to the coyote, the body was not worth eating I thought. I can leave it to what ever comes by. I turned and the pups and I contined walking. Lightning picked up Bandit and walked at my side. From the look of it Bandit was pouting, it took a while before Lightnings jaw grew tired and Bandit was set down to walk.


I set Bandit down softly and walked along beside Shadow. I shook my head for a momment, Bandit will never learn I thought. I glanced down at Bandit,  Bandit was calm, yeet still seemed as if he was still frightened. I looked up and sniffed the air, the air felt thick and heavy. I looked around, there was not much to see but tall grass and rocks. There were thick bushes the held some kind of berry and trees that towered dimly in the distance. As we walked on water dripped on my head, I growled to myself. Rain I thought, just great, some rain to soak my fur. The rain began to pour and soon poured heavily down on our backs. It was very uncomfortable. Thunder clapped and Lightning flashed, aluminating the sky. My fur sagged was I walked and even hung low in front of my eyes. I growled to myself again. I darted quickly threw the rain and stood by a large bush. Shadow trotted quickly as the pups fought to keep up. They whinned  and whinned in discomfort. But kept on racing over toward me and the bush.

Cocoa, the slowest, lost her footing and fell into the mud. Bandit and Ginger raced over and reached the bush. Shadow looked back and kept on toward the bush. She licked my muzzle before disappearing into the bush whith Ginger and Bandit. Cocoa struggled to her feet and raced over, nearly stumbling again into the mud. Her fur sagged, soaking wet but she made it to the bush.

We all crawled under the thick leaves that sheltered us fairly well from the pouring rain. Thunder continued to clap over the sky as wind blew across the grass. Bandit and Ginger both were licking their paws and ears warming themselves up. Cocoa however sat down wet and dirty from the mud. I crawled over towards her and licked her back and her paws. She rolled onto her back and licked her own paws. When most of the dirt seemed to be cleaned off of her I sat down beside Giner and Bandit who huddled closer to me for warmth. Cocoa picked her self up and walked over with Shadow and huddled with us. Mean while, as thunder clapped again again lightning struck close to the ground. It seemed dangerously close to the ground, one hit and the grass burns I thought with fear. Zap! Bzzzzzz....! The sound shook me from my thoughts, I crawled away from the pups and sat closer near the edge of the bush. Fire blazed, shinning through the furious wind and rain on a tall fir tree. The sight of the blazing fire set my heart pounding and my eyes wide in more fear. I sniffed the air, the scent of smoke blew in the wind. I wrinkled my nose and frowned, ugh! I thought.  The stench of burning tree is afull. I crawled back into the bush and layed there deep in thought. Do we run in the rain away from the tree? It's a distance away from us I thought. Or will the wind swept the blazing heat of it to the bush and set us ablaze I thought horrified. I whinned and looked at Shadow in the eyes and looked back out at the tree. She crawled over, around the pups to see what was wrong. Her eyes widedend in the same fear. She crawled back and nudged the pups. They opened their tired eyes and rose to their paws. I looked out at the blazing tree, other trees had caught and would soon burn down to the grass in a heap of flames. I crawled back and nudged the pups toward the edge of the bush, I stepped out ino the rain and picked Cocoa up by her scruff. She whinned, unhappy to be out in the rain again but didn't bother to squirm. Shadow nudged the other two out and we quickly started walking again. The smell of smoke was still in the air as we walked through the rain. I looked back again, some bushes caugh fire but were extinguishedby the rain while others flame was to strng to die in the rain. I hurried on a bit and sniffed the air only to suck in water, I coughed a bit but kept my pace. We finally crossed the open area and managed to make it to the other side of the forest around the open area.

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