Chapter 6

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The rest of the school day was mostly a blur; teachers rambling on about classroom rules and the criteria of the course. Turns out I have 3 classes in total with Amanda, a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. We exchanged numbers, and I was beyond excited that I had at least 2 friends here. 1 in the school.

When the final bell rang, everyone literally sprung out of their seat. Everyone was eager to leave, clogging the hallways as I tried to make my way towards my locker. I put everything I needed into my bag, taking out the things that I want and slammed my locker shut.

I made my way to the car, sighing happily as I fastened my seatbelt. I drove to my house just as my mother had insisted, pulling out my phone when I got into the driveway.

'You: just got home. See you in a bit :) x'

I shoved my phone in my back pocket before jogging to the front door. It was open already, so I walked in.

"I'm home!" I called, dropping my backpack right beside the staircase. I padded my feet to the kitchen as I clutched the keys, peeking into it.

"Hey mom" I smiled, walking over to her and kissing her cheek. I opened the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water.

"Hey sweetie, how was school?" She asked, stirring pasta in a big pot.

"It was great. Made a new friend" I said, popping open the cap and taking a swig of the water.

"That's fantastic!" She cheered, smiling at me. I chuckled, nodding.

"I guess so. Hey, I was wondering if I go to my friends house?" I asked, hoping she would say yes. She pursed her lips,

"Alright, but be back home at 7. That's when I'm serving dinner. I expect you to be on your best behavior, and if you even dare to get into bed with a boy I will hunt you down and ring your neck on that very wall" she paused, pointing to a bare wall. "But have fun!" She smirked, hugging me before turning back to the pasta.

"I won't! I promise" I laughed, shaking my head.

"You know what I want. Whenever you get some boyfriend, I expect to have home over for dinner." She said, pointing her finger at me. I rolled my eyes and sighed again.

"I get it, I get it. I promise. I'll be back before 7" I said, waving at her before walking towards the car. When I checked my phone in the car, I smiled.


I drove the way to Ashton's, almost missing his street. I parked in his driveway, walking towards his house door.

I knocked lightly, running my fingers through my hair. Soon, the door opened. But instead of seeing Ashton, I saw an older lady. Not old, but definitely not our age.

"Hello, may I ask why you're here?" She said, smiling softly at me. I was about to answer until I heard heavy footsteps come down the stairs.

"Mum, no! She's with me" he said, politely pushing her out of the way. He leaned in and gave me a hug which I returned.

"Oh, alright" his mother said, a cheeky tone ringing through her words. He sighed and turned around, pulling me inside of his house.

"So, is this your uh . . . Girlfriend?" His mother smirked, winking at Ashton. We immediately looked at each other, eyes widened. We looked back at her,

"No!" We both simultaneously said. "No, she's just a friend. Best friend" he said, scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

"Hm," she said, smirking again. "We'll see" she said low, "what's your name, love?"

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