Chapter 11

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I don't know what's happening, and I really don't want to find out. Seeing Ashton everywhere I go? Everywhere I look? I'm convinced I've gone mad. I can't think of a single reason why he's showing up at random, I don't love him. At least I don't think I do, but it seems like the only logical explanation. I love Marcus, but I've never ever been this way with him before. I've never been like this with anyone before.

And soon the inevitable came, our daily hangouts was something that we never missed, even if we're sick. Ashton was sick once, so me and his mom helped take care of him, as a best friend would do. It's just become an absolute necessarily to complete the day, and the time was here that I needed to leave the house to be on time.

I huffed, getting up from my bed and slipping on a pair of my shoes. I cracked my back, my hands starting to sweat as I made my way down the stairs.

"Going to Ashton's!" I called to my John who was busy cutting up a carrot to put in whatever he was making.

"Alright, have fun. Be back before 10, I want you to get a good nights sleep before we go to the beach tomorrow" he smiled, and I smiled back. Another perk about living in a country that isn't cold most of the time.

I waved at him before grabbing my keys and getting into the car. I pulled up, but I couldn't find the strength to get out of the car. Nervous can't begin to describe what I'm feeling.

I finally gathered enough willpower to get out and knock on his door, greeted with his mother as always.

"Evening Mrs. Irwin" I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"You look lovely today" she smirked at me, dusting off my shirt that I had on. I laughed, trying to conceal my blush.

"Thank you" I said and pretended to curtsy. The heavy footsteps of Ashton coming down the stairs made us both look to watch him.

"Hey!" He said as if he was surprised to see me, giving my temple a quick kiss.

"Dinner will be ready in a bit, I'll call you two down when it's ready" she said, patting my shoulder lightly before walking towards the kitchen.

I turned to Ashton, coming face to face to him; something I've been dreading.

"Hey" I smiled, "your room?" I asked, nervously picking at the skin on the sides of my nails.

"Course" he said, leading me up the stairs again. My heart felt like it was leaping out of my chest, and I found it quite a task just to walk up the stairs with my damned shaky legs. I felt like my knees would buckle if I ever see another picture of Ashton. It's haunting, whatever feeling I felt towards him was really getting to me.

Once we got to the top of the stairs, he dragged me towards his room. I plastered on a fake smile, taking a seat on one of his chairs.

"So, how was your day?" He smirked, crossing his arms behind his head as he laid down. One thing that Ashton had over Marcus was that Ashton never got tired of hearing me ramble on about myself.

"Eh, alright I guess. Been a bit edgy" I admitted, playing with the corner of a piece of paper he had in his desk.

"About?" He asked, sitting up and crossing his legs, looking at me with concern.

"Nothing to stress about, just a paper I have due next week" I lied, masking my pure nervousness with another smile.

"Oh" he didn't look very convinced, but he knew when to let things go with me. I nodded, avoiding eye contact with him.

"I've been meaning to ask . . . " he mumbled, biting the inside of his cheek as if he was still debating asking.

"Anything," I said, tucking a lock of hair behind me ear.

"What ever happened with your father?" He asked, and I let out a huge sigh of relief. I was beyond happy that he avoided anything to do with how my day went or the wedding or anything of that sort of thing.

"Oh, well, it's kind of a long story. He ran out the second he found out my mother was pregnant with my sister. That was a really stressful time, paying the bills and stuff. I had to take care of my sister a lot while my mother went to work. I still resent him from that, and I'm happy that we moved from New York. Don't need to run into that bastard" he said, my jaw subconsciously tightening.

"I'm sorry to hear that" he mumbled, "um, sorry for asking" he whispered, but I shook my head.

"You were bound to find out sooner or later" I reassured him, sending him a small smile. He hid a tiny of blush by looking down, making me scrunch my eyebrows.

"Everything alright there?" I joked, messing with his hair. He swatted my hand away and laughed.

"I'm perfectly fine" he said, sticking his tongue out, "don't know what you're going on about" but I knew he was nervous. The way he slightly stuttered and rushed out his words reminded me of myself when I got nervous.

"Oh" I smirked, glad that I have my cheeky self back.

"Oh shut up" he mumbled, hearing him laugh before dragging the chair I was seated on towards him. Once I was close enough, he kissed my forehead, his large hands on either sides of my knees.

"You love me" I joked, but he seemed to stiffen at that, and I found myself stiffening too. What the hell is going on?

"In your dreams" he shot back, trying to mask the awkward aura.

"Why would I dream about you?" I retorted, but I found myself trying to mask the awkward aura as well. Soon we were just quite, staring at each other. The way his gaze read me like an open book made me extremely uncomfortable. His eyes were light, boring into me like a horny teenage boy with the latest edition of Playboy magazine.

I felt him lean in, his lips pursed, but before they could catch mine, I turned. His lips hit my cheek, my eyes squeezing closed.

"M-Marcus" I reminded him. No matter how I felt towards Ashton, even if there were feelings, I'm not a cheater. I love Marcus, Marcus only. It was too often that I had to remind myself about that. I felt his lips slowly leave my cheek,

"Look at me" he said, and I turned towards him nervously.

"What?" I croaked, our foreheads brushed against each other. My heart was beating abnormally fast, my mouth going dry.

"I-I, you . . . Never mind" he rambled, and I felt my blood boil. I couldn't stand when people left me hanging like that, making me wonder what the hell they were thinking.

"Tell me" I said, biting my lip as I subconsciously tried to move away.

"I can't" he looked down, pressing his lips together before standing up and walking towards his dresser. He picked up his phone,

"Did you hear that prince William had his baby?" He asked, obviously trying to change the subject.

"Yes, I did, now tell me" I growled, standing up. I balled up my fist, watching him take a step towards me.

"Forget it Ellie" he snapped, obviously agitated.

"Tell me" I said, crossing my arms.

"Ellie, no!" He almost screamed, making me even more mad.

"Fucking tell me!" I screamed, standing my ground.

"You want me to tell you, huh? Well how am I supposed to fucking explain that I'm in love with you? That I can't spend a day not thinking about? How beautiful you are, how much I can't live without you? How it kills me inside that you love someone else? That I can't look at any other girl the same way? That the day you kissed him, I completely had a break down? That I can't live without seeing you, without hugging you? Seeing you with him kills me, is that what you wanted to hear? I'm in love with you, are you fucking happy?"


Sorry, really bad chapter. Definitely not my best. Is this cliffhanger worthy?

Sorry if you don't like the fact that I'm not 100% sticking to the song, too typical.

On the bright side, 1.2K reads, plus 100+ votes! Thank you all for your support and nice comments, it makes my day. I love you all!

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