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when we were young ↵

When I was young, I was reckless. My parents absolutely hated it.

I couldn't help it though, I was drawn towards adventurous and dangerous moments.

That was when I met him.

He was dangerous, an adventure, a breath of fresh air.

I was in elementary when I first saw him. I was in fourth grade, swinging on the swing set alone, watching my classmates run around, screaming from joy. I never joined in, they never would understand me.

They called me weird. They made fun of me because I talked to animals. What was wrong with that?

My mom said I had a gift.

A boy sat on the swing beside me, silent as he watched the other children as well.

We didn't speak but both of us, from then on began to understand one another.

I learned that his name was Malachai and he liked to be called Kai, and if anyone who called him by his full name would get punched in the face.

I learned that he never brought a lunch so each day, when he would sit with me on the swings, I would always have a second lunch prepared just for him.

I learned that Kai had a twin sister who ignored him. I had seen him try to talk to her one day, but she pushed him away before her and her friends laughed as he stumbled to the ground.

I learned that his family was very reclusive and secretive. I was never invited to come over... For years, until one day I was.


I sighed in frustration as I slammed my locker door shut, I hated Portland, Oregon but what I hated more was that my family wanted to move again.

Kai watched me from across the hall, his arms crossed as he leaned against his locker. I stared him down before he smirked at me and began to walk over to me.

"Well aren't you in a wonderful mood today, huh, sunshine." Kai teased me, his arm winding around my waist to pull me tight against him.

"Just wonderful," I muttered, trying (but failing) to pull myself out of his grip around my waist. A gasp of air escaped Kai, and I smirked in victory, dropping my elbow down to my side after I jabbed him in the gut.

"Want to blow off some steam?" Kai asked me, smirking down at me. "Wanna make out? Or we could go mess around with Lance and—" He paused in his movements, his face eager to find Lance.

"No," I pulled on his hands, trying to make Kai budge but he was too strong. "L-let's just go to Jimmy's and get our usual sundaes before I have to go home, okay?"

"What did they do to you?"

I sighed, knowing it was inevitable to avoid talking about things around Kai, he would always find out. And I couldn't lie about it, Kai would know I was lying. But I wanted to deal with it myself. Well, I tried but it failed.

"They were just teasing me, that's all. Y-you know how Lance is my neighbour, well, he saw me talking to Libby and—" I stopped as I began to feel waves of anger roll off of Kai before his hand began to tighten around my own. I had learned that I had a special kind of magic, I was able to communicate with animals. 

"I'm going to kill him."

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