| chapter four |

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"Come on babe," I cooed to Kai, letting my hands wander his shoulders. He looked down at me, a frown upon his beautiful face. It had been silent for a few minutes after Liv had escaped with the werewolf hybrid, Tyler. Kai was silently fuming about how his moment was taken from him, leaving Liv more time to get ready to defend herself.

"Let's follow them, let's reek some more havoc."

Kai smirked at me, his eyes staring at my lips hungrily. "You always know how to cheer me up, darling."

I feigned hurt, "isn't it obvious, I'm the only one who loves you!" He smirked at me and I smiled widely at him. I loved him.

A moment didn't even pass before I realised what Kai was doing, pulling both of us from the bar and into the side alley. I rolled my eyes and took the lead, knowing a guy from 1994 sure didn't know how to drive an updated vehicle. Or the real possibility: he didn't have transportation yet.

I knew that my car was at home but I knew a place that was quiet and out of the way. The park nearby where we were and where I normally went instead into town to Mystic Grill.

It was a quiet afternoon at the park, empty from families and a perfect spot for the two of us to relax. In the centre of the greenery was a bench under weeping willow. I tugged on Kai's hand with a shy smile on my face.

"Here," I whispered, grabbing onto his warm hands. I placed them on my hips, letting my legs straddle his waist. "Take my magik from me."

A full-blown grin was sent my way and a smack to my butt let me know Kai was more than happy with the newest position.

A light kiss was pressed to my lips and I went breathless, letting my eyes close. It was wonderful–– it was our first kiss in years and I missed Kai badly. A muffled scream escaped my lips as Kai hungrily attacked my lips, letting his hands take my magik slowly.

"I've missed you," I mumbled against his lips, exhausted after my magik had been depleted. A smirk was sent my way and I snuggled into Kai's hard chest, letting his heat warm my frozen limbs up.

"You haven't been in a prison world, love." Kai pulled away from me and I pouted. "Every day I came apart because I thought I had lost you."

"You still have me," I whispered. "I'm here."

"I'm glad you're here, we can destroy my family now!"

"No one can know I'm with you," I told him. "But yes, I'll help you. They've been a real pain in my ass."


An hour after our heated make out in the car, Kai located the ascendant- it was with the vampires, Elena and Damon.

"Wait, are you guys talking about Bonnie Bennett?" Kai casually leaned up against a tree, staring at the two vampires in front of us. We had silently snuck up on the couple and Kai hid me with a spell. "Because honestly I didn't think she was all that great." The two vampires turned around in shock to stare at Kai and I snorted. For supernatural hearing they were pretty damn deaf.

"No!" Elena raced towards the broken ascendent, dropping to the ground beside it to piece it back together.

"I'm gonna enjoy the hell out of this." Damon stared at Kai, a look of hatred on his face. Damon ran towards Kai, but fell as Kai's magik halted him. He fell to the ground, groaning.

"Oh hey, me too." Kai smirked. "Oh yeah, Damon. I stole some of Liv's magik when I tried to kill her." Kai didn't mention his use of my own that made him even more powerful. That would be an unnecessary risk for me to become a target. "I think some of it still might be in my system. So... pardon me." Kai pushed Damon away with his magik before turning to Elena who was still scrabbling to put together the ascendent.

"Uh uh uh," Kai tsked at Elena, bending down towards her. He gently picked up the last piece resting on the ground. "You missed one. Phesmatos incendia."

Kai dropped the last piece of the ascendent into Elena's hands with the rest before it burst into flames, spreading quickly and onto Elena.

Damon, revived, vamps toward Kai, who suddenly disappears. Damon picks up a large tree branch and swings it, hitting Kai, who becomes visible again and gets pelted over the anti-magic border. The fire on Elena's arm goes away.

Damon rushed towards Elena, making sure she was okay. "You okay?" Elena nodded to Damon, gasping.

Kai smirked, "huh. I guess this is that, uh, antimagic border, which means now there's a psycho loose in Mystic Falls and no vampires around to stop him. Whoops." Kai turned from Elena and Damon, walking away, from the two vampires and into Mystic Falls with his favourite person following him discreetly.







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