| the beginning pt 4 |

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May 10th — 4 years later

"You're not you anymore, Kai." Jo whispered at her twin brother. "You've changed since–"

"It's been four years!" Kai screamed, staring in anger at his coven surrounding him. "FOUR YEARS since she's been gone! They promised to bring her back but they never did."

He grabbed his hair in fists, tugging forcefully as if the physical pain would temporarily ease the pain in his heart. The coven had surrounded him, his sister had tricked him into thinking he could finally have the power to bring her back. Siphoning magik from others wasn't enough to save her.

"They drove me insane. They made me this way because I was different."

"No Malachai, we didn't drive you insane. It's your fault—" His sister, Jo, tried to reason with him.

"You took away the light of my life just so you could control me." Kai spat at his father, hatred burning through him. "You made me this way."

Kai stumbled, his fathers hand raised as he began to chant with the rest of the coven. A scream tore from his throat as pain flowed through his veins. He collapsed to the ground, his eyes watery with unshed tears. 

He saw her laying there, in the middle of the forest, as if she was Snow White. However, he was not her Prince Charming, here to rescue her. He had tried, many times, to save her yet his final attempt to gain power, to be strong enough to save her was ruined. She wasn't buried, but she wasn't protected. His Coven left her out in the middle of the woods, under protection, away from him. He just wanted to see her eyes open... for her to smile at him once again.

May 10th 1990

"Kai!" She screamed into the cloth around her mouth, her lungs aching as she hung limp in the cellar of the Parker's house, gagged. Her throat was wearing her out, she couldn't scream anymore. She knew he couldn't hear her. 

She knew that Kai went berserk today, as his family broke the news to him about his mother being pregnant, with another set of twins. He went crazy, lashing out at his family, draining Jo's powers just to hurt them, like they had hurt him.

They didn't see eye to eye with him, were afraid of his strangeness and how he had to steal others magik to be a witch. They thought that without the girl he was in love with, he would be able to be controlled.

"WHERE IS SHE?" She heard Kai scream at his family, she went to yell out to him, but suddenly couldn't. Magik. A cloaking spell had surrounded the basement as Kai had come closer to finding her whereabouts. 


"Follow us Kai," his dad ordered his son. "You have no power here, you are magically tied, you can't do anything."

Seraphina didn't hear a word from Kai, but heard footsteps coming down the stairs. 

Seraphina looked up, her eyes dull as she stared at Kai. He stood there, his hands together, a pulse of magik binding them together. His parents and sister stood with him, knowing full well of the rage welling in him.

"Kai," she tugged on her restraints, trying to talk to him through the gag. Kai broke away from his family, crashing down beside Seraphina to survey her. His eyes narrowed in on the blood that dried on her forehead.

"You hurt her."

"We had to do what was necessary." Kai's father told him. "If you stop acting out, we'll let her go." 

Kai's hand grasped Seraphina's, and she nodded as he took in his light. A silent scream tore from her throat as her magik was taken from her, filling Kai with magik.

"Do it, Joshua." His mother hissed as Kai stood up from his kneeling position. "Kill her– kill him!" 

Neither of the two knew what was to happen. It was the plan all along. Kai had found out his parents plan to have another set of twins, and he was mad. His parents knew that they had to do something about their son who was drunk with temporary power. They knew that his best friend, his love, would be hurt in the end and Kai would kill anyone if anything happened to her.

They thought putting her asleep, hiding her away would be best. 

They thought gaining control of his girlfriend, it would control Kai. 

They were wrong. 

And everything went dark for Seraphina.

May 10th 1994 – Anniversary of Seraphina's "Death"

She would never be saved.

"You promised," he choked out, staring up at his father. "You promised you would save her."

"We promised we would save her, but we swore to ourselves to save her from you."


Filler chapter whoops but please go back and reread the previous chapters cuz I accidentally had some plot holes!!!!

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