Chapter 3

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*Ashlee's POV*

-beep beep beep-

I rolled over and sighed. Mornings. Ugh. I reached over to turn off the incessant alarm clock and sat up in bed. I contemplated snuggling back under my warm blankets, but then I remembered why I was getting up. Dalton, the fair, 12. I squealed and started kicking my legs like a giddy five year old girl that had too many pixy sticks.

Once I calmed down, I texted my best friend in the world, Aly, and fangirled my heart out to her about my.. date? Was this a date? Dalton DID ask me out. Sigh. I didn't know. I glanced at the time on my phone, 11:03, I better get dressed. I emerged from my closet minutes later wearing black skinny jeans, a dark blue blouse and my black vans. I braided my hair to the side, put on the minimal amount of makeup and slipped on a beanie.

I looked in the full-length mirror on my door, good enough. I once again looked at the time, 11:15, I had approximately forty-five minutes to mentally prepare myself. I grabbed some Cookie Crisp and the milk and poured me a bowl of deliciousness. I ate as slowly as possible, eating one cookie at a time. 

 *Dalton's POV*

I grabbed my keys off the hook, and looked at myself in the mirror. Breathe Dalton, she's just a girl. It's just a date. But it's really not, she's my definition of the perfect girl. She's so funny and carefree. She's also Clayton's best girl friend, he'd attempt to wring my neck if I hurt her.

Not like I would ittentionally, I like her too much for that. 11:52, I should start driving. I asked Clayton for her address earlier, so I put it into my phone and started the car. I was actually really nervous for this date. Ashlee seems like such a down to earth girl, and she has the prettiest smile. I'm really happy that I decided to swallow my pride (wink wink, no pun intended) at the last minute and ask her out.

I parked my car at the curb when my GPS beeped at me and told me that I had reached my destination. I looked up at the two-story house and smiled. I was ready. I opened my car door and walked up the path to her front door. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

*Ashlee's POV*

I jumped as the doorbell rang, my heart picking up speed. I opened the door to find Dalton standing there with the biggest smile plastered on his face. My cheeks instantly warmed. "Uh, hey." I said smiling awkwardly tucking away a stray hair.

Dalton smiles and holds out his hand. I hesitate for a moment but then gingerly take it. His smile widens visibly, "So are you ready to have some fun?!" He asks excitedly. I looked up at him as he opened my car door, "Oh yeah, I'm ready to rock this fair." He laughs and smiles at me as he shuts the door behind me. He starts for his side of the car, and I smiled to myself, I had a feeling today was going to be amazing.

*A few hours later*

We we're both laughing loudly and stumbling dizzily as we exited the fair ride. We'd been here for a few hours and to say the least, we were having a blast. Absolutely nothing could bring me down, this was the best date I'd ever been on. We'd been on countless rides, laughing too often and shamelessly flirting.

Dalton bumped into my hip and gestured towards the cotton candy machine. I laughed and said, "Why not!  But you better not throw up on me on the next ride Wixom." He laughed and ran his hand through his hair. "Only if you promise not to puke on me first." He said with a wink. I faked being hurt as he handed me my pink cotton candy and grabbed his blue one. He saw my face and laughed, "Awww, did I hurt the wittle girl's feelings?'

I gasped and hit his shoulder, "You jerk!" I started to laugh, but immediately stopped when I saw Molly staring at me from across the fairgrounds. Dalton turned around when he realized I wasn't walking along with him. "Ash? Are you okay?" He followed my gaze towards Molly and immediately grabbed my wrist and whispered in my ear. "Hey, come on. Whatever happened between you guys doesn't matter right now." I turned to face him, realizing he was right. I was suddenly aware of how close we were and looked into his eyes. He looked down into mine, checking to make sure I was okay, then pulled me away by my hand.

On the ride home I just stared out the window, resting my arm next to Dalton's on the console. Why, why did she have to be there and ruin my aura of pure bliss. I shook my head, I wasn't going to let her ruin this moment. I turned to look at Dalton. His eyes we're on the road, the passing streetlights illuminating his face. He looked gorgeous. Suddenly, he turned to look at me, aware that I was looking at him. "What?" He asked. "Nothing, I smiled, just thinking of how much fun I had today that's all." He smiled broadly, "Yeah, today was pretty fun wasn't it?"

He pulled into my driveway and cut the headlights. I got out of the car and he joined me on my front doorstep. "Thank you for taking me out tonight." I said. "And, uh, sorry about the end.." I trailed off. He smiled and shook his head "It's no problem Ash, you guys obviously had some beef, I figured it wouldn't be too pretty if I didn't do anything." I stared up at him and giggled, turning away. "Oh my god Dalton, you did not just say 'beef'!" He laughed along with me, "Yeah I guess that was a little swag fag of me."

I nodded my head and smiled. I put my hand on the doorknob about to turn away but before I could, Dalton craddled my face and said "Thanks for coming with me tonight Ashlee." I blinked and before I could reply he was walking back to his car. Before he pulled away, he waved at me and mimed the 'call me' signal and winked. I laughed loudly as I walked inside my house. He's such a dork.

I ran up the stairs and flopped on my bed. I was the happiest I'd ever been in a long time. I immediately texted Aly all the details and fell asleep hours later, with a smile still on my  face.

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