Chapter 7

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A/N: Hey y'all sorry about me not updating, I know I get a tad angry when people do that to the stories I read. I just don't think it's any good. Although, after much prodding from my best friend, I've decided to try and update on a regular basis. I have my own laptop with a now functioning charger, so let's see what happens?! Please comment/vote so I can know if I'm wasting my time or if anyone actually enjoys this. Thanks!


I opened the door to find Aly and Clayton giggling and hitting each other with my couch pillows. I hardly had time to duck when one came flying my way.

Aly immediately dropped the pillow she was holding and pointed towards Clayton. He raised his hands in defense and quickly grabbed Aly around the hips and threw her over his shoulder. Her screams of protest filled the air and I shook my head.

He put her down, quickly pecked her on the mouth and ran to snatch the food and coffee in my hands. "Thanks Ash." he shouted on his way to the kitchen. "You're obnoxious." I shouted back. 

I raised my eyebrows towards Aly and she giggled. "Want to fill me in?" I pressed. "Weeeelllll." she replied dragging out the word. "He's quite the charmer, especially with a few drinks." 

"Stop talking about me and come eat these god damn heavenly muffins!" Clayton shouts. "Later?" I ask "Later." she replies.

I text Dalton and ask him what time I should meet him at the theater, and he responds a few minutes later. "Don't worry about meeting me, I'll pick you up at 6 and we can just watch whatever is playing next :)" I smile to myself, and glance at Clay and Aly. She's on his lap eating his muffin and he's looking at her with a dumb smirk on his face. 

I clear my throat to interrupt and they quickly glance at me. "So what are we doing today?" I ask. Clayton smiles widely and says, "My house needs cleaning after last night." It's kinda messed up that I have to pick up after my own party Clay, I think you should do it." I tell him andhe responds with a middle finger and a chuckle.

So Aly, Clayton and I spent the afternoon picking up empty plates and crushed plastic cups off his living room floor. "People are disgusting." Aly says with a huff, and I agree leaning up against the counter. I check the time, 5:27. I smile and stand up straight. "Well I just hate to run off, but I have a date." I say with forced sincerity. 

Aly perks up. "With Dalton?" she asks with an amused glance at Clayton. I can feel myself blushing. "Yeeesss." I say glancing at the ground. Clayton starts making kissing noises while laughing at my expression. 

"You're twenty not two, Clay. I know for a fact you did more than kissing last night." I swiftly say looking at Aly. Her mouth drops open and Clayton chuckles and grabs her waist. "Shut up and go have fun with Dalton." He retorts. I laugh and hug Aly goodbye. 

Once at home I scan my closet. I grab a pair of skinny jeans and a black v-neck and put my hair into a braid. I contemplate liquid eyeliner. Definitely don't have the patience for that right now. My phone buzzes and I hear a light knock on my front door.

I rush down the stairs and quickly take a breath. I open the door to see Dalton smiling widely. I take in his appearance and feel myself wanting to cry. God, he's gorgeous. Instead I swallow and mutter out a "Hey." 

"Hey there." He smiles and grabs my hand, leading me towards his car. Once inside, I turned towards him. "Last time I was supposed to go to the movies, I ended up at my surprise birthday party, promise we aren't going to some ridiculously overdone frat party?" I laughed along with him. "I swear, no party." He grinned. I grab his hand that's resting on the console. "Good."

Once we arrived we walked up to the ticketbooth linking arms. I search for the next movie playing.Of course. It's a scary one. Dalton gives me a cheeky grin and pays for the tickets. I sighed and leaned my head into his shoulder.

"Oooooh someone's gonna be scareddd." Dalton said childishly while we took our seats. "Shut up!" I said laughing. "Don't worry," Dalton said, whispering into my ear, "I'll make sure I do the cliche yawn and put my arm around you to protect you trick."

"Don't worry, I'll do the cliche jump into your chest thing every time I'm scared." I said smiling up at him.  He throws his head back in laughter, "I think I like you." He says with a wink. 

The movie starts playing it's creepy intro as I whisper. "I think I like you too."

I don't know if he heard me, but he smiled a small smile and grabbed my hand. I leaned back into my seat smiling and prepared myself tfor the two hours of scary footage. 

When the house lights came on, I propped my feet up and turned to Dalton. "That was awful." I said. His laugh filled the air, "Yeah, we should have watched the kid movie next door." "I don't know, that probably would have been awful too." He grins. "Oh well, at least I got to spend time with you." 

"I am pretty fabulous." I say with a wink. He laughs again. God, his laugh. It could cure cancer. I start giggling to myself at the image of him in a room with cancer patients, just laughing to cure them. 

I come back to reality when Dalton pokes my cheek. "What are you laughing at huh?" I duck my head. "Uh, nothing." I say dragging out the last syllable. He smiles and looks around the almost empty theater. I take the chance and look down at our still intertwined hands. I could get used to this.

"Be my girlfriend."


Dalton just asked me out. Did I hear that correctly? 

I look into his piercing blue eyes. "W-what?" I stutter out. Idiot move Ash. 

"Be my girlfriend. I want to be able to call you mine. I can put little heart emoji's by your name and call you babe. But most importantly, I can kiss you whenever I want."

My heart flutters, and I slowly nod my head. "Y-yes. I'll be your girl-girlfriend." I finally breathe out. Why does this boy make me react like this? 

He smiles his beautiful smile and leans in to kiss me.

Wish Upon a Star. A Dalton Wixom FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now