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  • Dedicated to Allysha Mariee Empawi-Edwin

 'Ladies and Gentlemen,boys and girls..Please fasten your sit belts as we are ready for landing.'


Aish! Stupid alarm clock! *PUNCH* Ha! That will do it..Back to sleep~

"Exucse me Ma'am, sorry for ruining your sleep. You've finally landed in Jeju Island."

Huh? My eyes widden. I turn around and there stood the air stewardest--busy--cleaning..WAIT! Cleaning? Goodness me, I'm the only one left here. I jerked up, grabbing my handbag and purse.

"Urrmmm..may I know how long I've been asleep?" I asked. The air stewardest turned and smiled again. Aish. Don't need to show off your smile! Yah, I admit that your beautiful, but can't you see that I'm in a hurry?! Just stop smiling. Aish. She's soooo like my Eonnie. HAISH. Chill Hayeona, chill.

"Well about 15 mins or so.." She put her arms on her waist and gave me an annoying-model-pose! "Thanks!" I ran out of the plane before that 'show off'' could even reply..while running I began digging my handbag for my alarm clock--AND when I say 'alarm clock' I mean a REAL alarm clock. Good, still working.

Omo! I'm late already! My Appa's gonna kill me for this. Well, you see, my dad's a business man--well, not an ordinary business man. He's the owner of a 5 Star Hotel in Jeju Island, he owns the Samsung company and the...well, many more companies that I don't even care to know. Blah Blah Blah. But that's not what I like about my, dad...what I like about him is he's really social, and can to anyone. 

Back to topic, my appa, very last minute force me to attend some sort of--boring--business--seminar   . That thing that I'd just said..that's the thing that I dislike much about him. All he wants me to do is business business business. He expects me to carry on his business. But well, I have a life too you know. 'life' . 

Author's Note: 

Hey guys:) How do you like my starting of the story? Catchy? Haha..Well, this is just the introduction. I will get to chapter 1 soon. Be patient. I will upload soon. Feel free to comment and point out any mistakes. I'll be willing to learn and improve :) XD Cherio!

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