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  • Dedicated to Allyson Joei Empawi-Edwin


OMO!! It's Appa!! Ottoke! I am so dead. Someone help me!! This is gonna be the end of my life.

"Yah, Haeyeona!!" It's appa! Okay, just keep calm and pretend not to hear him. Yeah, that'll work. Just act normal like nothing's gonna happen at all. I tried to look away and slowly walk away from him. But before I could do that...

"Haeyeona!! This girl, likes to pretend not to hear me." My dad was able to catch up with my slow movement. Okay this did not go as plan. Just try to act innocent. 

"Oh, appa. Anyeong!! I did not know that you were trying to call me." I tried to cover up and put on my fake smile. Yeah, right Haeyeon. You did not know that appa was trying to call you. You're so fake. 

"You did not know? But I called you very loudly." Oppssy!! I have nothing else left to do. So I just kept quiet.

Then he continued. "Anyways, I just wanted to congratulate you for doing your best!" Awww so sweet. I mean, WHAT!? I thought he was going to kill me. Aish, this appa. Here's another thing that I don't like about my dad he is just so unpredictable. He might look like he is going to scream at me or something worst but that's not actually what he intent to do. I just stred at him like 'what the!?'

"I know that you--kin'da mess up but..I know that you did your best. You just need a little bit more of training and then you will be just like me.  And I am very proud of you!" He said. Just like you? I don't wanna be like you. I will never ever be like you. Then he continued, "That means more business seminars to attend!" 

WHAT!? MORE BUSINESS SEMINARS!? He must be kidding. I have been like to lots and lots of business seminars already and he still wants me to go again. I have been force to attend boring business seminars when I was 15. And I'm now 19. And he still wants me to go to more?! This is driving me nuts.

"What? More seminars? Appa, do you think that this is too much. All you want me to do is just business. And I have been to enough business seminars." I said. There is seriously no need for more seminars.

"Yes, you still need more training. And this is obviously not enough. Next Tuesday, you are going to attend to another seminar that is in Seoul." My dad said. Oh no!! When can this actually stop? This has no purpose to me. Oh, but I have college. YES!! So this can be my excuse.

"But appa, I have college. I am not gonna be free." 

"Don't worry about that. I have already arranged with Mrs. Im, your teacher. There will be private classes for you on Sunday to replace your classes on Tuesday. So no excuse for this." And with that he walked off. 

AHHHH!!! Sunday? It's the weekend. I am suppose to be free on Sunday. That is the only day I can relax and no stress. And now I am going to have classes on Sunday. Private classes. That's gonna be so boring. That's just great. What else could go wrong? 

I took the elevator up to the 7th floor where my room is. *YAWN* I am so sleepy. Tomorrow morning is the last session and then, I can go back to Seoul. Finally. My flight is tomorrow evening. Such a busy day ahead of me. Not to say busy but--tiring day ahead of me and mostly BORING. I'll just have a warm shower first than go to bed. 

****** NEXT DAY

*YAWN* Ahh, it's morning. Rise and Shine. Just the thought of going back home brightens up my mood. Oh ya, I almost forgot I need to fetch Stephanie from the airport tomorrow. Stephanie is my American-korean best friend. She went to US last Friday to visit her parents but, she's coming back tomorrow. Since she has no transport, I need to fetch her. 

*GROWL* Oh no!! I guess it's my tummy. I'm starting to get hungry. I feel like eating pancakes with maple syrup for breakfast. But breakfast ends at 11:00 and now it is..10:30! Oh my, I better go now. 

After taking a worm and refreshing shower I dressed up. I decided to wear a pink fluffy blouse and denim jeans. I wore my brown wedges and then took a quick look at myself in the mirror and then rush down to the breakfast buffet. 

Half of the food is gone. Aish, I know I should not waste too much time inside the bathroom. But nevermind I think there is still a few pancakes left and korean rice cake. So I took mostly all the food that is left I was just so hungry. Then I took a sit next to the Beverage corner. I quickly eat as fast as I can..Ah, mashita!! I am done.

While walking out, someone bang into me and made me trip and fell hard to the ground. hurts a lot. Who is this person? I stoop up and saw a cute looking guy around the same age as me.   

"Mianhe, I did not mean to trip you. I wasn't looking." The unknown guy apologized and he looked right into my eye. 

"Uh, no need to apologize. It's actually my fault." I said shyly. I don't know but somehow I felt like I have seen this guy before. Maybe not. 

He smiled sweetly at me and then he said, "I know that this is just weird but you look very familiar. It's like I have seen you before. Anyways I'm Sehun." WAIT, so he feels the same way too. So I guess we have met before. Let me think. Sehun..who is he? Ah, yes! He studies in the same college with me. No wonder.

"Yes, I have seen you before. You're from the same college as me." I said. 

"No wonder. And you are..." Sehun said looking closely at me. 

"Haeyeon. Kim Haeyeon." 

"Owh, nice meeting you. I would like to see you around in college." He smiled at me and then left.

Wait, so is it possible that this popular guy in college actually wants to see me? I can't believe. I know this guy, he is one of the guys in this popular band in college called EXO. They perform in bars and stuffs. Their dance moves are so cool. But anyways, why would he likes me? He obviously wouldn't like a girl like me. And even if he confess to me, I wouldn't even like him back. I am not a boy crazy. So whatever.

Author's Note:

Sorry guys for another boring chapter. But just wait, the interesting part is soon to come. I promise. And yeah, Sehun is my second BIAS! And he will be one of the characters in the story. There will also be a Sehun's POV (POINT OF VIEW.) So have a nice day. Night:) Don't forget to vote and comment! 

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