Seminar Finally Endedd

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Hey wonderful readers!! How's this fan fic so far? Good? I would really appreaciate if you comment the chapters and give your feedback :) I really need lots of room for improvement. I suck a lot T_T mianhe.

And sorry for not updating for quite a long time. So...HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS CHAPTER!! I'll try to make it longer XD SARANGHAEYO



Soon, the stranger ended the conversation and I can only hear him walk further and further away from where I am. Shit! Why am I so observant? I shouldn't even be hearing and minding other's business. Oh, I should go back to the hall now. 

I entered the hall quietly and took the same sit. None of this is interesting. All the speaker do is lecture, lecture, and LECTURE! Aish, when will the seminar stop. *sigh* but I'm very use to this so it's very usual for me. Soon I'll have another seminar to attend again. Is my life just to this extend? 

And after 45 minutes later, the MC announced. "Thank you everyone for attending the seminar for almost two days. I hope that everyone here has benefit something from this seminar," Well I don't, "We would also like to present a gift of appreciation to the speaker here today, Mr. Lee Min Soo." And then the crowd applaused. 

Mr. Lee Min Soo got up on stage and bowed down to everyone. And then appa went up too, and gave the small token of thanks to the speaker who looked like in his mid thirties. The photographers capture a photo, which I guess would be in the newspaper by tomorrow. This happens every time.

Then after this, the seminar ended. But still, lots of people were taking photos with the organisers of this seminar. And one of them is my dad. While everyone was busy taking pictures and praising Mr. Lee for his 'wonderful' sermon, I squeezed through the crowd and went up to my room.

At my room, I packed all of my supplies back to my luggage. Because I'm gonna be flying back to Seoul this evening. YAY!! Finally. I folded all my clothes and stuff them inside my traveling bag. And then I went to the bathroom and took all of my hair and body supplies. I neatly tuck them in my bag. I'm done! I don't bring lots of clothes and accesories along with me. 

Ahh..I'm starting to get hungry. I ate breakfast at 9:30 and the time now is..1:15. No wonder my stomach has been making noises. I better call dad maybe he'll bring me out for lunch. Great! Hope he's not so busy.

I dialled his number and tap the CALL BUTTON. 

Then appa answered, "Yes, may I help you? This is Mr. Kim Bak Seoh." He said professionally. I guess he did not see who was calling.

"Appa, this is Haeyeona," I said childishly. I always talk childishly when I want appa to do me a favor.

"Yah, Haeyeon-shi. I'm very busy. Be quick. What do you want?" When he found out it was just me, he quit speaking with his professional tone. Aish, I ask him politely but he answer me so rudely. 

"I was thinking whether you could bring me out for lunch? I'm hungry now."

"Didn't ypu hear me I said I'm very busy." He replied very rudely to me. Then dad stopped talking to me for a while and I heard some muffles through the phone. I guess appa's talking to someone. Then after discussing something for a few seconds, he continued. "But Mr. Oh's son will be able to take you out to eat. just get ready and he's waiting down stairs at the lobby now." 

Gee..that's fast. "Araeso, thanks appa." I happilly said to him. 

"Don't mention it to me. You must say thank you to Mr. Oh." He strictly said. Then he continued, "Haeyeona, appa will be busy.'ll be going back to Seoul in the evening alone. I'll go back tomorrow night. I told your omma already."

"Ne appa." 

"Be a good girl okay? Bye." Appa always treat me like a 6 year old. But I'm 19 years old now, I'm not a small girl anymore.

"Okay. See you." Then the call ended.

I quickly to the elevator down to the lobby. I wonder who is Mr. Oh's son? I looked around then I saw..

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