I Wish

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FIVE YEARS LATER (year 2020)

Katherine's POV

Now five years later, I am here laying in the hospital for my rehab. Well, if you ask me how am I feeling, I would say that I have been better.

A lot has happened in the past 5 years that I have been here in my hospital room. Let me tell you.

Firstly, after the car accident, when my parents, my sister and my boyfriend Liam were driving me to the hospital, we got in to a car crash and when I woke up from the coma, I found out that it was 1 year after the accident, that my parents died immediately and that Liam was okay, but he just had a bruised arm and some bruises on his legs.

Secondly, after 1 more year, I found out that Liam was cheating on me with a girl from my job since I was in the coma in the 6th month. We broke up over text message and now I don't have anybody.

Thirdly, I have to take care of my sister, who is 8 now. She was in the car, when we were driving to the hospital for me. She had a bruise on her arm and she had a broken arm, which is now okay. She doesn't go to school cause she is here with me at the hospital. She actually got a mini job. Yes, I know what you are thinking now. An 8 year old has a job? Well, her job is quite easy. There are children, who is sick with cancer like me here, so she goes to visit them everyday.

Fourth, I have found a kind of music that I love to listen when I am sad or lonely. It is a boy band. Their name is One Direction. There are 4 boys. Liam, Louis, Niall and .... Harry. I love their story and their voices and their song videos. I also have a favorite member. He is .... Harry. I just love his green, emerald eyes, his brown chocolate curls and his smile worth a million. I know that I won't get to meet them, but I made a wish that I wish on Christmas and New Year. The wish is I want to see them singing live.

Fifth, since I have breast cancer, I have been losing my hair. I know that it is the cause of the cancer, but I just don't want them to fall from my head. I think my hair makes me beautiful and without it, I am not beautiful, I guess.

Sixth, my co-workers from the cafe that I was working till the hospital, they all surprised me by visiting me in the hospital each year. I love them so much. Some of them are now married and have kids already. I am sad cause I didn't get to be in theirs' weddings. When they come to visit me, they always bring their kids, so my sister became friends with them.

And lastly, my doctor, which I learned his name was Robert, told me that I am getting better with the cancer that I have. He told me that I am lucky that it was only the first stage of the cancer, so they did everything that it can be cured. But still the doctor says that I only have 3 more years to live. And I am thinking every night that I am going to make them the BEST before I ...... die.

Let's get back with the story.

It is now Christmas Eve today. I spend the holidays with my sister and the other kids in my room. Sometimes a few nurses would step in our room to wish Merry Christmas or to say goodnight to us.

I woke up today with the feeling that the New Year will be different from the others. I didn't know how it will be different from the last 4 years, but I was up to wait for them and I was also excited to spend the New Year differently.

It is now lunch time and the nurse, Mary, gave me the lunch and told me she will be back in 30 minutes to get the plate and the cup. I said thank you and then she left.

I then started to eat my food and I thought about the New Years Eve.

When after 30 minutes the nurse came and took the plate and the cup, she told me that I have a visitor. I told her to let him in and she said he will be in a minute. I said thank you and then when she left me, I thought who could he be. Visiting me on the Christmas Eve, at 13 pm?

Then I heard a knock on the door and I said come in.

When his head popped in the room, I just .... smiled. I then let Louis in and he came with his kid. It was a girl, whose name was Elizabeth. She is 4 years old. He has a wife, whose name is Lisa. They married 2 years ago.

"Hey, Louis and hey, Eliza!" I greeted them.

"Hey, girlie!" Louis aid and sat on my bed.

"Why are you here on Christmas Eve?" I asked him, while Elizabeth went to play with my sister cause they were best friends.

"Well, Elizabeth wanted to visit you and her best friend before the Christmas Eve dinner" Louis said.

"Oh okay" I said.

"Yeah, Kath" he said. "How are you?"

"I am good Louis and you?" I said.

"I am great!" he said. "Tomorrow is mine and Lisa's 2 wedding anniversary"

"Congratulations!" I said to Louis.

"Thanks" he said.

"You are welcome" I said.

"Well, I saw Liam one day last week and he had red eyes and it looked like he has been crying" he told me.

"Hmm, what might have happened to him?" I asked myself.

"I dunno, Kath. But he broke up with his girlfriend" Louis said to me.

"Oh" I just said.

"Yeah" he said.

< After 2 more hours >

It was now 4 pm and Louis and Elizabeth had to go now cause theirs Christmas Eve dinner was at 6 pm and they needed to get ready.

"Bye, aunt Kath!" Eliza said.

"Bye, Eliza" I said and the kid, being smart, she went out in the hallway.

"Bye, Louis!" I said to him.

"Bye, Kath! I hope you will be better and we miss you at the cafe" he said.

"I know Louis. I miss you all too. So much!" I said.

"Okay, bye girlie!" he said and walked out of the room.

After he went out, I started to cry cause I remembered my parents.

< Time to sleep >

When it was time to sleep, I told the wish to myself and then I went to sleep, thinking about the New Years' Eve.


Hey, girls! How did you liked this chapter?


Thank you!

I love you!

~ x A

P.S. - while I was writing the chapter, I was listening to Backstreet Boys - Just Want You To Know

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