Meeting Harry Styles

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Katherine's POV  

< A couple of days later, New Years' Eve >    

It was now lunch time here at my hospital and the nurse had already brought me my lunch.

Today was the New Years' Eve and today my life would become different from the past 4 years.

After I ate my lunch and the nurse came and took the plate and the cup from me, she told me that I should go and rest cause I was not feeling very well.

I then said to my sister that I will be going to sleep and that she should wake me up before New Year or if I have some unexpected visitors. She okay and then I went to sleep.

Harry's POV

I walked in to the hospital and said 'hi' to the receptionist and then walked upstairs.

I then remembered when I was here the last time. I remembered the children faces, their looks, their voices and it brought me to tears, while I was walking to their room.

When I walked in to their room, I saw so many children with the same illness for their life.


They all have cancer.

I feel bad for them. I wish they were healthy. When I pray before going to sleep every night, I also pray for them to get better and I wish they would just get out the hospital without the cancer that they have.

"Hi guys!" I said to them.

"Harry!" they all shouted and then came running to me and wrapped their arms around my legs, who were still small, and around me, who were bigger.

It looked like there were more than 30 of them. They brought the tears to my eyes and I couldn't hide them and broke down.

"What's wrong?" they all asked me in their cute little accents.

"I wish you all get better with your cancers guys. Try to fight it" I said to them.

"Okay, Harry!" they said.

"Good guys!" I said. "Was happenin'?"

They all went to their beds and one boy said to me. He was about 10 or 12 years old.

"Well, there is a girl here with cancer around your age, Harry. She wishes to meet you" he said to me.

"Okay, I will go and meet her. What room she is in?" I asked him.

"She is in room 202, I think" he said.

"Alright, then I will be heading to hers'. I will be back to you guys" I said.

"Okay, Harry" the guys said.

"By the way, Happy New Years guys" I said.

"Same to you, Harry" the guys said to me.

When I walked out of their room, I got a happy feeling that I would stay here in the hospital for the night today, but since I was STILL single, when the guys, I mean Louis, Liam and Niall, had girlfriends and Louis has a wife now, and we were 26 - 29 years old men.

I am the only one single from One Direction. Since we broke up as a band 3 years ago, we are still good friends.

Louis got back with Eleanor and now they got married and Eleanor is pregnant with Louis' child.

Liam got a girlfriend and he is thinking of a romantic way to propose to her.

Niall was in the relationship with FOOD, but then he found a Real girl and made her his girlfriend.

I was walking in the hospital hallways until I saw her room and decided to step in.

When I walked in, I stood in trance cause I saw the MOST BEAUTIFUL girl in the whole world.

She's beautiful. No, what I am saying. She is Perfect. Perfect to me.

Even though her hair fell down, I guess from the cancer she had, she was still beautiful to me.

When I walked next to her bed, she was still sleeping, but when I sat down next to her, on her bed, next to where her legs were, she started to wake up.

"Hey, love!" I said, when she looked at me with a little bit of love and passion in her eyes.

"You are H-H-Harry S-Styles" she said.

"Yes, love" I said and giggled.

"Hi, Harry!" she said to me.

"Hi, again love! What is your name, beautiful?" I asked her and I saw her blush.

"Katherine, but you can call me Kath or Katie, I don't mind" she said.

"Lovely name, beautiful. It suits you" I said.

"Thank you" she said.

"So how are you?" I asked her.

"I am fine, just a little lonely here" she said.

"Okay, love" I said. "How long are you here?"

"It's going to be 5 years next year on February 1st" she said.

"Oh, love. I am sorry" I said.

"Life is life Harry and you can't run away from it" she said.

"Right, beautiful" I said and then an idea popped in to my head. "Beautiful?"

"Yeah, Harry?" Katherine said.

"Since I don't have anything better to do today, why don't I spend the New Years Eve with you, beautiful? What do you think?" I said to her.

"T-T-That would be awesome, Harry" she said.

"Alright, then let me go ask the doctor if I could stay here in your room for the night and I will be right back, beautiful" I said.

"Okay" she said.

I then leaned in and kissed her cheek and then I walked out of the room to find her doctor, walking to her room.

"Hi! Are you the doctor of Katherine?" I asked him.

"Hi and yes. Who are you?" he asked me.

"Well, I am Styles. Harry Styles" I said, quoting James Bond.

"Okay" he said.

"And can I ask you, if I could spend the night with Katherine?" I asked him.

"Yes, you may" the doctor said.

"Okay, good" I said. "Thank you"

"You are welcome" he said.

"And tomorrow I will come to you for the check-up, okay?" I said.

"Okay" he said.

"Happy New Year, by the way" I said.

"Happy New Year to you too" he said.

Then we said good bye and then I walked back to Katherine's room.


Hey girls! How did you like the chapter?

COMMENT and VOTE please!!!

What do you think Harry needs the check-up? Comment your ideas.

I will update later tonight.

Love you all!

~ x A

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