Katherine's To Do List

119 5 2

1 Forget about Liam (not Payne)

2 Write a song

3 Let my sister go to school

4 Listen to all 1D songs in a day

5 Steal Zayn's hair products

6 Touch Harry's curls

7 Eat a carrot in front of Louis

8 Make Liam to eat a cake with a spoon

9 Hide ALL food from Niall

10 Fall in love

11 Go for a walk at night

12 Make snow angels

13 Get married

14 Visit the sick children on Valentine's Day

15 Say "I love you" to the boy I fall in love with

16 Get my hair back

17 Take care of my loved one

18 Cuddle with someone

19 Have sex with someone I love

20 Meet Harry or all the boys

21 Get a kiss from Harry

22 Have children with the man I love

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