Harry's Nightmare and 1D

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Harry's POV

It happened a year after the kid was born and we named her Darcy Anne Styles.

I was so loving life, when She had to go.

We were laying on the hospital bed, when I looked at her and saw that she was not breathing.

"NURSES!!! DOCTOR!!!!! SHE IS NOT BREATHING ... ANYMORE!!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!" I shouted and I started crying, when the nurses and the doctor ran in the room and then pushed her bed out of the room.

"WHY HER??????????? WHY NOT ME????????? WHY????????" I shouted and cried.

I then broke down and fell on my knees on the floor.

But I then realized that she is really gone, when the doctor came in and just shook his head.

Then I heard someone calling my name.

"Harry? Harry??? Wake up!" someone was shouting.

I then opened my eyes and then saw ... Katherine.

"Harry it was only a dream. I am here. Do you wanna talk about it?" she asked me.

"Yes, well it was of you leaving me ... Forever" I said.

"Well, I am still here now and I am not going to leave you" she said.

"Good, beautiful" I said.

"Yeah" she said.

"What time is it now?" I asked her and looked at her.

"It is 3 am, Harry" she said.

"Ok" I said.

Then I leaned in and I kissed her on the lips. She kissed me back.

When we talked about having You-Know-What on the New Years' Eve, I thought about Valentine's Day, which is in about a month from today.

I will make it a special cause she told me that it would be her First and Last time having it.

"What do you wanna do, beautiful?" I asked her.

"I don't know, Harry" she said.

"Well, maybe you want to go walking in the park?" I asked her.

"Harry really? It is cold and it is 3 am now" she said.

"Yes really and come on, it will be fun" I said.

"Okay then" she said.

"Great!" I said.

< After 15 minutes >

We were now walking in the park and Kath doesn't know that I have called up the boys so that she could meet her in the park and that we could walk.

As I got a message in my phone, I quickly looked at it while Kath was on the swings. I swear the girls is crazy. It is winter and it is cold now, but she swings. The text message was from Liam, who texted me this.

Liam Daddy Direction Payne: We are on our way. Be there in 5. We'll come to the fountain. x

I smiled at the text and texted back.

Me: Okay. Got it. Thanks. x

I sent it and then I jogged to the swings, where Kath was swinging and I told her.

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