Getting to know Harry

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Katherine's POV

When Harry Styles walked out of my hospital room to ask the doctor, if he could spend the New Years' Eve night with me in my room, I sat up and I thought that I should brush my hair, but then I remembered that I don't have my hair anymore and then I tried to hide my tears.

I still can't believe that Harry Edward Styles came to the hospital and he visited me and that he is going to spend the New Years' Eve night with me. OMG!

While Harry Styles was out of my room, I thought if I should put some make-up on, but then I remembered that the boys said 'don't need make-up to cover up' and then I decided that I won't put any make-up cause Harry saw me like this and he called me 'beautiful'.

I then layed on the bed and waited for Harry to come back in to the room.

< After 10 minutes >

After like 10 minutes, Harry came in to the room and behind him came in the ..... doctor.

"Hey guys!" I greeted them.

"Hey, Kath" the doctor said.

"Hey!" Harry said.

"So why are you here, doc?" I asked the doctor.

"I just came to tell you that he can stay with you the night and that tomorrow you won't have rehab" he told me.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Cause the computers are crazy today and since tomorrow is Sunday, there is no one working here" he said.

"Alright!" I said.

"And by the way, Harry" the doctor said and leaned in and told something in his ear.

Harry's POV

"And by the way, Harry" the doctor said and leaned in my ear and told me. "You can take her on a date and go out of the hospital, but bring her back till 11 pm, alright?"

I then smiled and nodded.

"Thank you doc" I said. "I will keep that in mind"

Katherine's POV

After Harry thanked the doctor for what the doctor said to him, the doctor said bye to us and then he walked out of my room. When the doctor walked out the room, Harry said.

"Okay, beautiful. What do you wanna do?" he said.

"I don't know, Harry. What do you wanna do?" I asked him.

"I don't know too" he said.

"Okay" I said.

"Don't be sad, beautiful" he said and asked. "How about we watch a movie since we have a TV?"

"Good idea" I said.

"What movie, beautiful?" he asked me.

"You chose" I said.

"Okay, beautiful" Harry said.

He then putted a movie in and then when the movie started, he asked me.

"Could I come and lay with you, beautiful?" he asked me.

"Y-Y-Yes" I said and I blushed.

"I won't do anything unless you ask me to" he said.

"Okay" I said.

Then he came to my bed, then he got in the bed with me and then he asked me.

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