Valentine's Day

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Katherine's POV

It was Valentine's Day today and Harry asked me if I could go to the children for 30 minutes.

I said okay and I went to them and I met my sister there too.

She was talking to a boy and blushing.

By the way, let me tell you that 13 days ago Harry became 26 years old. Yes, he is just a year older than me. I am 25 and he is 26.

I was talking to the children and my sister, when I felt that someone closes my eyes and then asks.

"Who is that?" the person asks.

"Hmm..... Harry!" I said.

"Yes beautiful" he said and uncovered his eyes.

"Hey!" I said.

"Hey princess!" he said and kissed me on the forehead since I was sitting on the chair.

"Ready to go back to the room?" Harry asked as he took my hand and looked at me.

"Yes" I said.

"Well we will see you later guys" Harry said to them and we walked to the room, which was the second floor and the guys were on the 4th floor.

< Next to the door >

As we came to the door of our room, which was home to me and probably to Harry, Harry said.

"Beautiful, I just want you to know that it is all for you" Harry said.

"What do you mean by 'all'?" I asked him, confused.

"Come in and you will see" Harry said.

And then, when I walked in to the room, I stood and couldn't move a muscle.

The room was with white walls like it was before, but the bed was covered in rose petals and leaves and the floor was full of roses. Then the walls of the room were covered in Our photos and the memories of us.

"You did this all for me, Harry?" I asked him, as he came behind me and wrapped his arms around my belly from the back.

"Yes, beautiful" he said.

"Aww, Harry" I said.

Then he came from behind and then suddenly he picked me up bridal style and he went to the bed.

He then layed me on the bed and then he got on the top of me and sat on my legs.

"Remember your number 22 from the list?" he asked me.

"Yes" I said.

"So this is a step of making the number to be checked of" Harry said to me.

"But how could that happ-" I was interrupted by Harry kissing me on my lips.

I then kissed him back and then I realized it.

We were gonna have sex.

Then Harry broke the kiss just to tell me.

"Beautiful, put your hands up" he told me.

I did and he took of my t-shirt off of me. Then he took off his t-shirt and threw them on the ground.

"Is the door locked?" I asked him. He just nodded.

Harry then leaned in and removed my specialized bra cause of my breast cancer and then he put it on the table next to the bed.

He then looked at my breast and he asked.

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