Chapter 31

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Cami's POV:

Lilah was freaking out over tonight's date and despite my best efforts to tell her that Luke would be very casual and wouldn't care how she dressed, she kept repeating that she had nothing good to wear.

"Just borrow something of Rebecca's, then! I don't know!"

"Speaking of Rebecca," Lilah narrowed her eyes, "how come she sent me a completely weirded out and shocked text saying Mike had left her a message from your phone?"

"Oh yeah, that."

I blushed a bit. That wasn't exactly the reaction I'd expected of Mike when I'd told him to stop insulting my friends. But in a way, even though message hadn't exactly been nice, it'd been honest. The problem was just that Rebecca must have been wondering what the hell he was doing with my phone.

"Didn't I tell you Luke, Calum and Mike hung out at my place yesterday? No? My bad..." I chuckled nervously.

Her eyes widened impossibly.


"Um yeah. I mean nothing happened, we just played video games and cuddled."

"You what?"

"Yeah. Actually if I were you I'd be careful, because Luke and Mike seemed awfully close. You don't want him cheating on you before you've even had your first date," I joked.

Lilah shook her head in complete bewilderment.

"I can't even comprehend the words coming out of your mouth. Luke and Mike? In the same room? And cuddling?"

With a mix of a sigh and a chuckle, I told her everything that had happened yesterday, leaving her staring at me in shock.

"Uh next time you plan to perform a miracle, can you invite me along?"

"Sure thing bae," I winked.

The bell rang and we entered the French class grumbling a bit. The teacher had just closed the door behind her when it opened again to let Calum in. He took his time walking to his spot behind us, every step dripping with confidence and hotness. I stared. And I had cuddled that? Lilah elbowed me with a grin and I reluctantly detached my gaze from his tight jeans and muscle-tank.

I didn't have time to concentrate on the lesson, however, because a pen poked my back and I turned to face Calum's smirk. Was it me or did he look even better than usual today? I pondered over the question. Maybe it was because his hair was so effortlessly messy? Or because grey suited his complexion?

"You're drooling," Calum remarked sarcastically. "Then again, I understand. Had a hard time detaching myself from the mirror this morning."

I rolled my eyes.

"Now you're just being an ass. What's up?"

"My di—"

"Shut up."

"Yes ma'am," he grinned.

"What do you want Calum? And I swear to god if you say something disguting—"

"Yeah, yeah. So Mike is hosting a party for his birthday sometime next week, and you're invited."

My eyebrows shot up.

"Oh. Cool. I'll be there. When is his birthday?"

"The twentieth of November."

"Oh my god, just like Oli Sykes!"

Calum laughed, rolling his eyes.

"Of course you'd say that."

My gaze shifted to Calum's neighbour, whom I vaguely recognized as Eric. He was the one who'd left James' first party with Grace. Speaking of James, he usually was in my French class too, although I couldn't see him right now.

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