Chapter 25

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Cami's POV:

At seven pm on Friday, I was casually listening to Arctic Monkey's newest album, checking my Tumblr feed, when someone burst into my room, banging the door open. I let out a groan.

"Seriously Sam if this is you—"

"It's Lilah, stupid."

The girl skipped over to where I was sitting on my bed, smiling widely.

"Your brother isn't here anyway. Didn't he tell you he's on a date with Louisa?"

"What? No he didn't!"

"Well Louisa told me all about how cute he is and how he's taking her out tonight, which is why she's going to the party."

Oh right. The party. James was hosting a new one tonight. It'd only been announced yesterday, but there was no doubt the whole school would go. Except me, that is. While the guys had managed to make me feel better yesterday, I wasn't exactly ready to face a social situation at the moment. At least not in one of Calum's best friends' house.

"You're going, by the way," Lilah said.

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are. I don't care if you're butthurt about the whole Calum thing. You knew he was a jackass, and even though it hurts now you don't have any mixed feelings about him anymore. He deserves pain!" She exclaimed, her eyes wild.

"You're scaring me," I deadpanned.

"Thank you, I try."

"I don't want everyone looking at me because of how he kissed my cheek yesterday," I grimaced.

"Oh darling, don't think you're special. You're not the one Calum's been openly affectionate to despite having his girlfriend," Lilah told me. "Now you gotta get your head up high and show him what he's missing on! And then make him fall in love with you and break his heart," she added.

"Fine," I let out with a roll of my eyes, ignoring the sting of her comment about me being just another play toy. All mixed feelings about him gone my ass. "Well then, I'm gonna take a shower. Did you bring your dress with you?"

"Yep! Hurry though, we don't have that much time!"

"We have like two hours!" I called back. "You're being stupid."

By the time I was got out of the shower, wearing a too-large tee-shirt and with a towel wrapped around my head, Lilah had laid out one of the dresses we'd bought a few weeks ago on the bed. She was sitting in front on the mirror, trying to pull her hair in a ponytail using a strand of her own hair. I left her to it, instead eyeing the red dress dubiously. It'd looked great in the shop, but now that I had to actually wear it, it looked...dressy.

"Well, put it on!" She exclaimed, not once turning her head in my direction.


"You know I am. Now please get dressed or we'll be late."

"You're not dressed," I pointed out, but went over to the bed anyway.

"Yes, but I've already done my hair and make-up, while you're still a mess."

"Ouch," I said dispassionately.

Quickly pulling the dress over my head, I winced at the sight of myself. The dress was nice, of course, the upper-part a bustier with the material then flowing down to mid-thigh. But it wasn't me.

"This doesn't look like something I would ever wear," I mused. "Actually, it isn't something I would ever wear. Why did I buy this again?"

"Because Rebecca and Jenifer drowned you in so many compliments you had to take it."

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