Calum's POV:
"So what do you like to do?" The girl giggled as she sipped at the drink I just bought her.
"What or who?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.
She giggled again, hiding her blushing face behing a curtain of blonde curls. I gave a small sigh and looked around the room disinterestingly. This was too easy, not to mention boring. There were the usual couples grinding on the dancefloor, the usual assholes chatting up uninterested or too-interested girls, the usual people laughing and sweating and drinking and playing stupid games. I smiled distantly at the girl next to me as my attention was caught by a brunette doing shots on the other side of the room. A brunette I easily recognized as Lilah, one of Cami's best friends. Did that mean she was here too? I bid my goodbyes to a very confused and disappointed girl and walked over to where some of my friends were standing, closer to Lilah.
"Hey man, what's up?" Rafaël asked me with a bit of an awkward smile.
I knew he felt guilty about my accident because he'd let me leave the party in a bad state of mind. I'd told him time and time again that it was completely ridiculous, but it hadn't seemed to change anything. We spoke about football for a bit until I saw James leave the group.
"Excuse me," he smirked, "I gotta go say hi to someone."
My eyes followed him to the entrance of the house, where I could see him animatedly chatting with someone. I was just about to look away, because there's nothing more weird than observing a friend chatting someone up, when the girl's smile caught my eyes. I gave her a closer look and my mouth dropped as I saw it was Cami. The nerve of the guy! Didn't he know anything about the bro-code? What part of exes-are-a-no-no did he not understand? Then again I wasn't exactly one to talk, so I resisted the urge to go punch him and simply watched as he invited her to dance. The way her face lit up was just another punch to my stomach. But I was pretty used to that by now. So I just drank my mojito, miserably watching how she giggled as they goofingly jumped around on the dancefloor. Maybe this was best for her. Maybe he could make her happy. But through all of the time I'd been his friend, James had only ever looked at girls for sex – I knew because we were the same on that respect. Until Cami. Except the only interest he'd shown in her was sexual. I distinctly remembered him asking her to be friends with benefits when we weren't yet dating. So I was rather dubious and disgusted and utterly jealous as I saw them dance together. Especially when the music slowed and he started putting his filthy paws on her hips and pulled her closer. I clenched my jaw and had to physically force myself to walk away and get myself another drink. It wasn't my problem anymore, I tried to tell myself. She didn't love me, she had every right to do what she wanted. Plus it wasn't like I hadn't been sleeping around. But the jealous feeling wouldn't let go of me. By the time I got back to my friends, I saw that he had his hands resting on her butt, and she was letting him. That was the last straw.
I marched over to them and forcefully grabbed his arm.
"Get off her," I gritted out.
"What the fuck man?" James asked, looking at me like I was crazy.
And honestly, maybe I was. Because I'd just ripped my friend off of a girl I'd dated for about a month and with whom I'd broken up weeks ago, and who was now looking at me with anger burning in her eyes. But I couldn't seem to stop.
"Get your hands off her," I repeated, the warning clear in my tone.
"Why the fuck should I do that?"
I glared at him seethingly.
"Because I told you too," I said tightly, dangerously close to loosing my temper.
James must have seen it because he swallowed hard and let go of Cami, giving us a confused look. I glared at him and he cleared his throat, glancing at Cami.
"Get lost, James," she said with a roll of her eyes.
"I'm just...uh I'm just gonna let you guys talk this out then," he spoke before turning on his heels.
Cami crossed her arms over her chest and let out a huff a breath.
"Are you gonna explain what the fuck this was about?"
"I..." I ruffled my hair awkwardly, unsure of what to say. Unsure of what to do under her cold gaze when she hadn't bothered to look at me for weeks now. "I don't like him touching you like that," I finally admitted.
"Well boo-hoo, do you want me to throw you a pity-party?"
I clenched my jaw and tried to quench my anger before I did or said something stupid.
"What? You can hook up with whomever you want but I can't dance with one guy? Where the hell is your logic in this?"
"That's not what I call dancing."
"I don't give a shit what you call dancing. We haven't spoken for weeks, you can't just barge in and demand that I stop dancing with James!"
"But I—" I stopped myself, my voice was too desperate and frankly I was scared of what I might say.
"You what, Calum?" She asked harshly, and then again, softer and almost pleading. "You what?"
I shook my head, letting out a frustrated breath, and just left. There was nothing I could do, I was way out of line and I knew it. But it didn't stop the burning feeling of betrayal in my gut, and I was seething with anger. And sadness, actually. My helplessness was killing me inside.
I went right over to the bar and got another drink. Harder alcohol, this time. 'But what, Calum?' But I love you for fuck's sake. I turned around and saw a girl walking up to me, a smile stretching her lips.
"Hello, you."
"So you're the famous Calum, huh?" She purred. "Or infamous, more like..."
I smirked at her and reached a lazy hand over to her bra strap, which had fallen to the side, pulling it back up.
"What is it that you heard then, pretty thing?"
She narrowed her eyes, a luscious smile at her red-painted lips.
"How about you just show me?"
My eyebrows shot up, surprised at the directness.
"How about we start with my talent for guessing people's favorite drinks?"
She shrugged, obviously a bit surprised by how I wasn't getting to the point – or the bedroom, in this case – immediately. It's called letting the tension build, love. I mixed impressing her by choosing her favorite drink (it's sheer genius) with seemingly random but extremely well-placed touches. Within ten minutes I had her really worked up, but the time this was taking had also made place for second-guessing. I tried to ignore the voice in my head telling me this wasn't what I wanted to do, but the truth was I didn't really want to prove Cami right once again. I didn't get a chance to do anything about this, though, as suddenly a drink was splashed over the girl's face and she let out a screech. I turned around in shock to see a furious and slightly drunk-looking Cami, empty glass in hand. She turned to me and smiled.
"She's wet now, isn't that what you wanted?"
Lol at what Cami says. Also i'm in love with Mayday Parade they're so amazing
Next update (in like a few mins) in Cami's POV xD
Vote and comment! I like any kind of feedback (otherwise i feel kinda alone talking to my screen and also it's nice to know that people have reactions towards what i'm writing...)

Daylight (Calum Hood fanfic)
Fanfiction"I loved a challenge. And breaking a heartbreaker's heart? Well, that sounded interesting..." When Cami moves to Australia, her best friend Luke and her devise a plan to take down the school's infamous, arrogant jock: Calum Hood. But breaking the he...