Mike's POV:
"What the fuck?" Calum said, voicing my thoughts perfectly.
I raised my eyebrows, traded a look with my best friend and glanced back down at the buzzing phone.
"I'm gonna take it," I decided.
"Hello? Is this Michael?" I easily recognized Luke's deep voice.
"Um, yeah? You kinda called my number so..." I mocked him lightly.
Surprisingly, he didn't take the bait.
"Have you seen Cami?"
I didn't know what I was expecting, but definitely not this. My eyes flittered to a confused-looking Calum.
"No," I gritted out.
Just the thought of what she'd done to Calum made my blood boil. As for Luke...let's just say the only reason I wasn't strangling him right now was that I didn't wanna worry Calum.
"Do you have any idea where she might be?" He sounded worried, anxious even.
"No." I hesitated. "Why?"
"Because her parents are crazy with worry. They haven't seen her all day and she isn't answering her calls. And I'm not in Sydney so I can't go looking for her. I...are you sure you have no idea where she could be? She's not at Calum's?"
"Calum was in an accident."
I heard Luke gasp fromt the other side of the line. My eyebrows flew upwards, surprised that he'd even care.
"Oh my god. Can't you like, look for her in the hospital? Please?"
"Why the fuck would she be here?"
"Trust me, she will. Just please, please do this."
I could just picture his baby-blue eyes begging me, and swallowed hard, sending a glance Calum's way. He was frowning at me, obviously more than a bit curious as to why I was having a civilized conversation with the person who'd become my arch-ennemy again.
And it wasn't even because I knew deep down Calum would want Cami to be safe, because he still loved her, despite what he claimed. It wasn't even because I still cared about her in some way. She'd been a cool girl to hang out with until she'd ripped Calum's heart out of his chest. It was because of the sheer anxiety in Luke's voice; the fact that he'd let down all of his walls and accepted to be near tears on the phone with the person he was supposed to hate, all because he loved his bestie so much, made my chest tight for some reason.
"Thank you," Luke breathed. "Thank you so much. Please call me if you find her!"
"Yeah, I will. Bye."
I hung up and licked my lips.
"What was that all about?" Calum asked.
"Nothing. I'm gonna grab some coffee," I told him, standing up. "You stay here," I joked.
"Ha-ha. Very funny. Jackass."
"Love you too," I winked.
The second I was out the door, my smirk faded and I felt slight worry grip me. Where the hell could she be? If she even was here, I reminded myself. It was strange, really, how Luke was so sure Cami would be at the hospital. It didn't make any sense, but I figured the blond knew her best, so I might as well do as he asked. Couldn't hurt. I walked randomly down the corridors, looking for long legs and Bambi-like blue eyes. After twenty minutes of searching, I was almost about to call Luke and tell him she wasn't here when I caught eye of a girl sitting alone on a chair in one of the waiting rooms. The only reason I even noticed her was because she was wearing the same sweater as Calum owned. Could it be? Just then, she looked up, and I was met with Cami's red-rimmed eyes. She let out a quiet gasp and was on her feet in seconds, running towards me.

Daylight (Calum Hood fanfic)
Fanfiction"I loved a challenge. And breaking a heartbreaker's heart? Well, that sounded interesting..." When Cami moves to Australia, her best friend Luke and her devise a plan to take down the school's infamous, arrogant jock: Calum Hood. But breaking the he...