Let me explain: Black Butler (#1)

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I feel the need to talk about Black Butler (well I always wanna talk about it but I want to talk about it in a critique point of veiw... in a sense)
I love this series. I absolutely LOVE the manga. The anime though... not the best... (the first two seasons that came out, not Book or Circus or Book or Murder, those were great) of course it was based off the manga... until about episode 15 or so, the curry episode. Everything after that was never in the original manga. No angels, no Claude, no Alois. I mean... the second season and end of season one were good... in one way or another. When the first season ended I felt empty... when Sebastian 'ate' (quote marks are there for a reason) Ciel's souls... it didn't settle right, I didn't like it. You know that feeling you get when in a story it's reveals that it was only just a dream, wooahooh. It makes ya feel no good! That's how I felt. A cheap way to get out of the shit storm that was never in the manga. Like a way to say 'if I don't end this now, it's going to get a whole lot worse'. But then it didn't end. Sebby is about to consume Ciel's soul but BAM. PROFESSIONAL ASS-HOLE CLAUSE FAUSTUS ALONG WITH HIS WHORE MASTER ALOIS TRANCEY. Claude must be the Mr. Steal-yo-master of Hell cause he got up and stole Ciel in one swoop. How and why Sebastian didn't or couldn't stop Claude is beyond me. I just.... season two leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The fandom... it feels kinda dead compared to other shows/books that have an anime and manga being done simultaneously like Attack on Titan (well... you know what I mean, season two is coming). They have the first anime out and done with, Book of Circus and Book of Murder done. I'm not sure if they'll do the (what I like to call) the Titanic arc, Public school/Cricket arc or Germany arc (which is the current arc). Another thing... I've heard people (some people in my school who also appreciate anime, weeaboo, otaku, whoever) want more of the anime. The thing is, there's not any more anime unless you look for the manga adaptations or even go to Barnes and Noble, go upstairs, go to the manga section and get the gosh diddly darn Kuroshitsuji manga!!! I highly suggest it. I suggest it way more than I suggest dipping Perdue chicken nuggets in cinnamon applesauce (which is better than you'd think). The AoT fandom, people get the manga AND watch the anime. That fandom is alive as ever! But the Black Butler fandom doesn't seem to be doing too well. I don't see much new fan art, the fan fictions are, to be blunt, terrible, there are few good videos on YouTube... I just wish that people would read the manga. It's so amazing. The first few mangas may look a bit awkward (that's due to the fact Yana Toboso was using the fountain pen wrong for the longest time) but bear with it, it gets better and beautiful. It's the smartest piece of fiction I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Toboso is dedicated to this series, he searched far and wide to get all the information he needed for the 'barely-played-in-japan', cricket. I love this series, and there's not many historical fiction manga out there. It's smart, it has its funny moments, it's full of mystery. I just can't say it enough, I just love this series (...minus the last part of season one and season two of the original anime.)

(Also, if you don't believe me when I say the art in the manga gets better, this picture I attached to this is a thing in the manga (it has a parody panel in the back of every manga, plus I have the manga of which its in)

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