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Oh boi I been tagged again. Tbh I love doing these

Tagged by greywintergem

1. Single
2. Yea... I did it when I first round out my mom had cancer. I only did it a few times but it didn't do anything for me. I was kinda just numb emotionally and physically.
3. Eh. Exhausted but I'm feeling very creative.
4. Chya. Probably not birth my own child. I'll deffinately adopt though. Maybe just two.
5. Never a physical one. The last fight I had two days ago after my sister told me to go to the dishes as she got a shower. I was gonna go ahead and do it immediately after this round of Overwatch was done (my friends and I were playing the new arcade mode for the Year of the Rooster). A few minutes later, the match has about two minutes left and my sisters boyfriend barges in and yells at me to get off or he'll take me computer (mind you, I was on Skype with my friends so they could hear this all). He was going on about how he's the adult of the house and how I have to do what he says even though he legally has zero relationship to me. He's not my guardian or my dad or anything. He then goes on about respect, how it was "respectful to him to barge into my room" (literally makes zero sense). While this was happening I was trying to leave my room to go do what I was told to do before my sister got out of the shower but the dumb ass boyfriend was keeping me in my room lecturing me. I tried defending myself, saying I was going to do it right after the match, which I was. He doesn't trust me with doing what I'm told. My sister then comes over cuz she's done with bathing and she's just like "I don't care, whatwever" and I have to APOLOGIZE FOR BASICALLY NOTHING TO THE BIGGEST PIECE OF TRASHY SHIT IVE EVER KNOWN. Her boyfriend is so fixing ridiculous. I could go on and on but I won't.
6. I guess technically I was 5 but I barely remember at this point so I don't consider it being REAL per se, so I guess I haven't had one.
7. My sisters boyfriend and this one bitch from my elm. and mid. schools who was the most stuck up so by bitch, thank god she moved away.
8. Real or fake? Lol... The last real big crush was my old friend but then he turned into a douche so... Yeah.
9. I don't use iFunny anymore... The community is kinda trash..
10. YESYESYEYSYESEYSYEYSYEYSEYSYESYEYSYEYSEYSYEYSYEYEYEYSYESYEYYEYSYEYSYSYEYEYSYSYSSYEYEY!!!! My sister said I can get my first tattoo when I turn 16!! For my first one I'll probably get something cat related. Idk if I'm gonna design it myself, commision one or just get what they have at the place. Also I'd like to get guages at some point in my life and a nose piercing and eyebrow piercing and a lip piercing.
11. I'm not completely sure... Probably not? Idk
12. u fukin kno it
13. For the most part, yea. I might not be the most confidant about my body but most everything else I'm 100% content with.
14. Like I said in the previous one, my body. But even then I'm mostly fine about it.
15. An animator, story board artist, character designer, voice actor... One of those... Or all of them, I won't mind.
16. Red, black, dark blues, gray
17.YATAYAYYAYAYAYAYYA!! My dearest kitten Charlie~ also my lazy kitty Marlo and the dog I'm not a big fan of, Leo.
18. Charlie. She's insane.
19. Fuck. No.
20. Uh uh gurl.
21. Kinda. In a way.
22. My mom, dad and brother... More than anything on this earth.
23. A brother, a sister. I'm the youngest... yEET
24. Doggos ;-;
25. I recently saw the new movie Split. It was okay.
26. Game Grumps, Markiplier, Jontron, JREMKL, H.C.Brown, The Young Turks, Onision, Echo Gillet, Ohnickle
27. Fuck... Uhhh..... How about I just say my favorite artists? BTS, Day6, Monsta X, Astro, Big Bang, Seventeen, Got7, Red Velvet.
28. It a tie between BTS Wings and Day6 Daydream...
29. iM a FeTuS eXuSe Me
30. No... I have asthma and I'm not about to make it worse.
31. If I'm with a friend and I know its safe, sa dud
32. No. They both passed away from cancer.
33. PaNsExUaL bOI

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