chapter 10

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Chapter 10

***Harry's POV***

Too many things were going through my mind right now. Many different voices were echoing in my head demanding explanations as to why my mate had suddenly begun speaking ancient Greek, and why one of the elders had stepped down to speak to her, an action that has never been performed before for the elders do not speak to you unless it is to foretell an ancient prophecy.

"SILENCE" I shouted through the pack link effectively silencing the bombarding thoughts of my pack. 

I snapped out of my trance just in time to see Faye walk out the great halls door the guy from earlier right beside her. I was just about to chase after her when Elder Z's voice sounded through my mind.

"Calm yourself young one, she needs this time to herself. Do not chase her you will only push her farther away. For now I need you to take care of your pack." She spoke softly but with finality and I knew that although I was soon to be Alpha I could not disobey a direct order from the Infinity ring.

With a sigh I tore my eyes away from the now closed door and focused on the crowd in front of me with their horror stricken faces. It was then that her words hit me.

I am no longer your Luna

Those words kept repeating over and over in my head before I took off running out the door in search for her. As I reached the outside of the building I caught sight of her through a car window, the devastation on her face had my wolf howling and clawing at my walls to surface and take back our mate. Unfortunately for me he succeeded. With a feral growl he took over not only my mind but my body.

*Harry's wolfs POV*

"FIND HER" my alpha voice boomed through the pack link. 

I had returned to the great room in search of Lindsey only to find her gone, hence the reason I've sent out a search party.



People stared at me in fright, visibly shaking.

"WELL? GO NOW!" I yelled before storming out of the building, quickly shifting and running to my mates house.

The forest was a blur as I darted underneath trees and jumped over bushes. The animals around me all ran off in fear as I tore through their homes.

"Lindsey has been found Alpha" Max spoke through a private link.

"Good lock her up in the silver cells until I come back." I spoke curtly.

Coming to a stop in front of Faye's house I could smell her scent. The sweet smell of apples invaded my senses and drove me wild. I didn't bother to knock as I burst through the door and stomped upstairs to her bedroom. If my mind hadn't been so clouded maybe I would have been able to sense that she wasn't in her room. Coming to a stop in her doorway I looked around at the empty room. Clothing was all over the place. I searched the entire house coming to the kitchen as my last place to look. I noticed a note on the dinning room table with writing I acknowledged as hers. Picking up I hastily read it only to stiffen up at the words she wrote.

Hey mom, we'll be back sometime next week...or the week after that. I need time..Just please, don't look for me I promise I'll return just let me have this small time to myself. As for harry...I no longer care.

My entire frame shook with anger. She was gone. Yes she was coming back but she left, I could not protect her. To any other wolf she would be considered a rogue, thus by law punishable by death. Without my mark she had just become a target to every wolf out there. Her friend could not serve as a protector for her because he was also a rogue.

"Max!" I shouted through the link.

" Yes Alpha." He said.

"Get the boys together and track Faye down. Find her before she passes the pack boundaries, please! She will be killed on spot if found!" I shouted frantically as I took off from her house naked quickly shifting not caring if the humans saw me. As far as I was concerned my mate is in danger and I had to find her.

*Fayes POV*

Jake and I had been driving for about forty five minutes now in complete silence. I still couldn't believe that she had rejected him thinking that she would be the next Luna! That was my place...well not anymore. 

Jake heaved a sigh and pulled over onto the side of the road.

"Get out." He said. I looked at him questioningly but he didn't look at me as he got out the truck. I followed after him shutting the door behind me. Her grabbed my upper arm and tugged me off the road into the forest.

"Shift." He said as he looked at me.

"I don't know how" I said quietly as I looked down at my feet.

"Concentrate on your wolf. Let her out, if you keep bottling her up she'll end up breaking loose and causing destruction. You need to let her blow off steam so I want you to follow me. I'm going to drive you run in the woods in wolf form and follow me until I pull over." He said leaving no room for discussion as he walked back to the car leaving me standing alone.  

Jake had never acted like this before. He was always smiling never closed off. His voice was so void of emotion that it scared me.

Taking a deep breath I concentrated on the burning feeling at the base of my spine and let it spread throughout my entire body. The feeling of my hair blowing in the wind was felt all over my entire body letting me know I had successfully shifted. Looking to the side I let out a howl and watched as Jake pulled back onto the road. 

I'd been running for over an hour when I became aware of the fact that I was being watch. The slight sounds of footfalls could be heard not far behind me letting me know I was being chased. With this new knowledge I picked up my pace, much to my dismay though my follower matched my increase in speed and was not less than ten feet behind me. I didn't spare a glance back as I once again increased my speed and began darting through the trees. 

The person behind me let out a vicious snarl that sent a wave of excitement through me. Ignoring the weird feelings I took off to my right diving deeper into the forest loosing sight of Jake's truck. The world gained on me and swiftly tackled me to the ground easily pinning me beneath his large body and sinking his teeth into my neck. 

Submit. My wolf whispered inside my head.  

Letting out a low whine I let my body go slack beneath his.

He released me but didn't make any moves to move from on top of me. I felt like I was being electrocuted all over my body. My wolf whimpered inside me and began whispering to me something I couldn't quite make out. 

I jumped in surprise accidentally throwing him off me when I felt him begin to lick the side of my face. He let out a growl and I whimpered in fright. I didn't look up at him as he advanced on me gently nuzzling his face with mine. He let out a small whine and encouraged my head up with his snout. Raising my head I met the eyes of an astonishing blue eyed smokey grey wolf.

But what had me stunned was what my wolf said.


And it defiantly wasn't Harry

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