Chapter 7

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A/N: Geez Luis, the reads on this story have sky rocketed since yesterday! I was only expecting like, 20 reads on this thing in the first place! I’m so so sooo thankful for those of you who are actually reading this! And please review guys! Reviews are what fuel me to write! And, you get free sweet, juicy tomatoes if you do!*Hands you several*

Alright, so most of this chapter is in third person POV, which is focused on Matt and how he is feeling right now…you know, with Raven not by his side and all. His inner thoughts are bold and on is in italics, and his own thoughts and memories are in italics. This chapter is pretty depressing, and it does include some triggering of self-harm; so be advised. But, I might just throw in a POV of Raven too…

But, as always…

Happy reading.

Chapter 7

You fucked up.

“No…” Matt whines, writhing in his Master’s soft, white sheets.

She’s never coming back now.

“S-stop.” The hybrid says feebly. His throat burned so much from all the screaming and growling he’s done today, and his several broken ribs weren’t giving him much comfort either.

You’re a terrible friend. Alex will definitely have your Master for sure.

“No! N-no…please...”The brown haired hybrid starts sobbing deeply for the 10th time that night. It was only 8pm, only 3 hours since Raven has left him; but it feels like decades.

I fucked up so bad…Matt thinks to himself. There’s no way she could come back to me if Alex already has her…I’m just by myself from now on.

Don’t think that way Matthew…she is on her way. She is coming back. A soft, almost feminine voice says in the back of his head.

Don’t listen to that bullshit Matt. She is probably in a different country by now.

“NO! Master…my Master…”Matt chokes out, causing him to cough up blood all over his Master’s pillows.

Heh…hey Matt. You’re a pathetic little fuck, you know that? You can’t even keep your blood in your own system. Guess you’re taking the whole “Cough out your lungs” thing seriously.

“Mmmh…”Matt groans at the negative voice in his head. He wished that they both would just go away, so that he could just lay there in peace.

And by “Peace”, he means his broken, disgusting filth.

Matthew…she’s bound to be back at your side sooner or later. Master is a smart person and she cares for you deeply. She has to come back.

No way. She hates your guts now Matt. Don’t get your pathetic little hopes up.

Matt starts becoming agitated with the annoying voices in his head. Not because of their consistent disagreements with one another, but because he didn’t know which one to believe.

“Agh! Just…just stop already!” He growls out.

It was quiet for a couple of minutes, but then the sweet, gentle voice speaks up again.

Matthew…remember when Master found you?

He did remember actually...he remembered like it was just yesterday…

Hi there friend!” A 6 year old girl all but yelled.

Shocked by the sudden outburst, the brown haired boy looked up from his small snow fort to see a rather…pretty girl hovering over him.

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