Chapter Ten

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Sam's POV


It feels Wong not telling Val I think we need to I really love you and I think Val really loves Vince.


I thinks so to and yeah we should but how.PS I love you too.


any way is better to tell her then not saying anything at all.

“Val can we talk to you?”


“Star and I kinda met before the day at the hospitable and I think I love her”

"Okay that’s cool. I'm happy for you to have fun." Val said with genuine happiness.

Man things were turning out great. I finally found a girl I can love for her and not her body. I’m glad that I never got with Val like that. I’m sure that Star would hate me if I did. That and things would be awkward between all of us. I’m sure Val would have been more upset and just figured I used her. Which I kind of did but that’s not the point. I mean I used her but not as badly as I could have, if that makes any sense. In reality I help her and Vince figure out what they wanted and as a reward I met Star.

"Well we got to go I think someone over there wants to talk to you” said Star. Trying not to giggle. She’s just so cute.

"Bye love you guys" and with that we left. I’m going to take her out for ice cream or something, just because I can. I really hope things work out with Val and Vince.

Val's POV

Why does Vince want to talk to me? Did I do something wrong? Is he finally going to explain why he hated me going out with Sam so much? Or does he hate me now? I wonder if he knew about Sam and Star all along. I mean they are related so he might have.

"Val I have something to tell you"

“Okay you know you can tell me anything” Maybe he’s going to tell me that he has feeling for me or something.

"It's my fault Sam got sent to the hospitable" Vince blurted out looking down. That wasn’t what I was expecting. Not at all but then again why would I think that Vince likes me? That’s just crazy.

“How?”I asked.

"He told me that he loved Star and I started to flip out cause of what Holly did when you moved here."

“What do you mean by flipped out?” I asked still slightly confused.

“I punch him in the nose then stared to beat the crap out of him. IM SO SORRY." Vince said rush to get the last part out before he started to cry. Vince never cries, he must feel horrible about all of this.

“Vince its okay you were mad and that stopped you from thinking thing through.”

"Really? Val I want to take you somewhere"

“Okay and yes really, it happens to the best of us.”

"I'll come back in an hour to get you so be ready."


“And don’t wear anything to fancy. One you look nice in whatever you wear and to we aren’t going somewhere fancy so casual wear would be best. I’ll see you in an hour”

“Okay see you” I said as he left. I wonder where he’s going to be taking me and why he’s taking me out. He probably still feels bad. Despite what he said I still raided my closet for the perfect outfit.

Where is Vince taking her?

Why does my font keep randomly changing?

Can someone make me a cover for this story?

probably a little late to ask but better late the never

To the next chapter

and all your dreams will come true

or not

I don't know

I read to many of xxwhoatemycookiesxx stories

I don't think i got the whole username right

are there x's inbetween each word

anyway off you go :D

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