Chapter 2

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So bored so decided to update! Enjoy

Alicia's P.O.V

I was staring in awe at how beautiful this house-no MANSION was until I heard a slam of the car door. I took that as a sign to get out as well and follow Luke like a lost puppy into this amazing house.

Once we were inside he told me to wait in the living room. I did as I was told. I looked at all the frames on the coffee table. AWW... BabyJai and BabyLuke. They were adorable. There was this maybe 5year old sitting next to them I didn't regonize him so I brushed it of and decided to check if Niall texted back.

1 new message



I frowned at his text. Was he mad at me? God I hope not.

"Alicia,this is my older brother. Beau. Beau this is Alicia" I smiled because honestly Beau was a beautiful name but also, I never thought Luke would introduce me to his brother. Maybe he likes me- Nah he doesn't he probably just introduced me to him since I already know Jai. I frowned but said a quiet 'Hi'. I looked up and saw Beau and Luke smirking. What are they smirking at.

"You look like a puppy when you frown, a cute puppy" Beau said and patted my head. I nodded not wanting to deny his opinion.

I heard foot steps walking down their grand staircase and I looked up in curiosity to be met with farmiliar brown eyes. I smiled wanting to get up but remembering what Luke said.

"Al, what are you doing here" He smiled walking over to stand infront of me with his brothers.

"Uh-I I don't know Luke brought me here to have fun. He saw me in the coffeeshop and wanted to make me feel better.And Jai, you never told me you had an older brother." I said the last part looking at my hands. Feeling a bit underminded because Jai told me everything, atleast I thought everthing

" Uh It never came to mind. Im so-" He was interrupted 

"Family never comes to mind eh Jai? I see. Glad I know where I stand" Beau said starting to walk upstairs. I felt bad cause I never should've brought that up.

"Uh Beau. Since we just met and uh we don't go to the same school since you older. Why don't we hang out today since I-Uh see these boys all the time?" I suggested and Jai gave me a thankfull glance then luke gave me a 'WTF' glare.

Beau seemed to ponder on it. I got nevous and stuttered out " Uh-I mean o-only if you w-want. I can uh I can just leave if thats better sorry" "NO!" Beau and Luke yelled and I tried to push myself further in to the couch and Jai sent a glare to his brothers before sitting next to me. I looked at him with big eyes and he just pulled me on to his lap which I then wrapped my arms around his next, burying my face in my arms. I inhaled his scent, soothing me quickly.

"Sorry, Alicia didn't mean to give you a fright" Beau says and I'm guessing he started to rub my back. I heard Luke scoff "Honestly what scared you. Wow now I don't wanna fuck you. How would you react to my big cock?" I felt Jai tense and he fisted my shirt.

"Im going to get a shag tonight, don't wait up." Luke said bluntly and slammed the door on his way out

"I have to go study Jai. It was nice meeting you Alicia. If you want you can stay over. Goodnight" Beau said and patted my head like before. I couldn't contain my giggle and I heard an 'Aw'. Before he left he whispered to  me "I know how you feel" He touched my wrist then walked away.I heard retreating steps and leant back to look at Jai.

Can't Spell Trust Without U ~ A Luke Brooks Love Story *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now