Rage and Love Ch. 1 (Picture of Ashton)

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  • Dedicated to Jakob, my angel <3

"Why me though?" I asked him with a small smile. "Why out of all these girls in this world, ones who need a blessing like you in their life, I am the lucky girl that gets you?"

He smirked and replied, "I am blessed with you, darling."

I giggled and said, "You know what I mean! Why am I the luckiest girl in the whole world?"

He took my hand and stroked my cheek with the other.

 "No no no. I'm the lucky one. I've been blessed with an angel. An angel who saved me." He whispered as he kissed my forehead softly.

I giggled as he worked his way down to my lips and softly kissed them. Travis and I were sitting in our field. The field we went to when we wanted to be alone. Alone together. We were celebrating though. It was our senior year. We were 17, young, beautiful, and in love. And to top it off we were celebrating our 5 year anniversary. We started dating back in the 7th grade. It started of as one of those little middle school relationships, the ones that only lasted 2 weeks, but ours was more than that. We held on to each other through every little argument. 5 years later, here we are.

We were the couple everybody envied. Girls would dream about finding what we have. We would never be apart from each other. Every weekend we were together. We have been named cutest couple every year since 8th grade. We were that kind of couple.

"Come on, Ashy. It's getting cold." Travis said giving me his jacket as he wrapped it around my shoulders. I smiled and he put his arm around me while I put my head on his shoulder. He softly sang to me as we walked to my house. There were no real lyrics, just a collage of sounds.

As we walked through the field heading towards the street, we saw a group of people in a huddle and the faint smell of smoke. The crowd was yelling and laughing, obviously wasted.

"That's probably just Tyler and his stupid crackhead friends" Travis mumbled turning the other way.

We heard a whistle and looked back to see Tyler, a ghetto white kid with plenty of acne, motioning us to come over.

"Hey Ashton, babe, why don't you come over and visit daddy?", he yelled, obviously high out of his mind. His friend's all started laughing. One mooned us.

Travis, revolted, gave him the finger, picked me up and ran away with me in his arms, while I could do nothing but laugh. I laughed and let the cool November breeze slap my face freely. As we got to the safer busy streets, he put me down and hugged me. A car or two whizzed by.

I laughed and said, "What's the matter babe?"

He looked at me with his concerned face with sadden eyes that I love. "I want you to stay away from him." He whispered. "I never want you near him."

My smile faded as  I asked, "But why?"

He took both my hands and put his noes against mine. "He can be dangerous, Ash. He is always high or drunk or whatever and you and I both know he's not a safe person to be around. Just please. I don't want anything to happen to you."

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